Thursday 1 September 2016


ZX Spectrum Vega game #0023

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this Asteroids-like game by Carlos Granados Martinez and Zigurat Software. The menu is in Spanish but it's easy to start thanks to the Vega's own instructions for the game. The title theme has a nice cheerful tune!

It's quite a nice tribute to Asteroids! The play area takes place on a space station of some kind and you must fly around and search out asteroids and other enemies to shoot out. The radar helps nicely too.

So far I've only played the first two levels but it looks like there are dozens more. On the second level there are star shaped enemies that home in on you so they're quite dangerous and scary.

I don't really like moving quickly because my ship ends up flying way off and right into an enemy! What happens then of course is I run out of time which is a bummer and happens too often. Unlike plain Asteroids, this game has scrolling and you only have so much play area view at any one time. It's a different dimension of difficulty.

The high score table is something I can't get into just yet with the lowest score being 50,000 points. My highest is 39,520 so far.

One thing I love is the MADE IN SPAIN signs on the walls of the second level! Very nice touch!

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