Thursday 29 September 2016


Dear Readers,

Now that Maribel was gone, I was free to visit other places. I went back out of town to visit the man who likes animals. He's The Woodcutter and he can chat with animals, but they scamper when I come close. He greeted me and asked if I was from Estard. I said No and he figured I was from Pilchard Bay, so he gave me some advice to watch out for Pike. He also told me the reason why animals chat with him is because he loves nature so much. I like this guy :) he seems like a gnome or something. I found some rags and a seed of magic in his house. There was nothing in his well.

Next I checked out the tongue twisty Shoreside Shrine. Hoo... quiet place. It plays this beautiful little theme that starts with simple plucking and continues like a Dragon Quest dungeon theme. I really like the way this theme starts :) Inside were many pots and barrels and the stone cover I saw at the start of the game with Kiefer. This must be where we're always going against everyone's wishes. I left.

There was a stone gate I couldn't budge, so I went east. The game's world is quite pretty, even if I can only really see what it allows me to see peripherally. On the cliff was a chest with a chimaera wing inside and I could see a cave below with water flowing out of it. Wonder what's there? Might keep it in mind for later.

I continued along the path to the Shrine of Mysteries. There was a mysterious statue of a man with a beard here. I went further to the door that had a purple symbol on it and it said it was sealed with a mysterious power... hmm... must keep this place in mind too.

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