Saturday 24 September 2016


Dear Readers,

A guard called me over to him. He said the King wanted to see me urgently and reminded me of the path to Estard. When he left, Maribel came running up to me and boldly declared she was coming too. She even asked if it was alright with me. I said Yes. I reckon it would turn out to be a "But thou must" situation if I said No. I gave her the hairband to equip.

I tried out the party chat. I always liked this feature in Dragon Quest games. Unfortunately, it's with Maribel and her sharp tongue!

The little boy was excited about his dad bringing back loads and loads of fish. Maribel gave out to me for talking to him! Yeesh!

I went home to my mother. Maribel curtsied in front of her in a completely different and polite tone! My mother said I could learn a thing or two from her. If only she knew! She knew about the guard looking for me though and said to mind my Ps and Qs when talking to the King. She gave me a parcel containing some delicious fish bits for Prince Kiefer. She was happy to get some rest while the men were out fishing.

You know, I don't really like fish that much, but this game is giving me an appetite for them!

The man in green from earlier runs the weapon shop. I spoke to his wife again and she told me about when I was born. I was four months early and my father was out fishing, but I was very healthy. She told me to be good to my parents too, like others in the town have been telling me. Maribel told me I must've gotten my growth spurt out of the way early. Urgh! The mouth on her! The man in green is put out and grumpy because his wife keeps asking him why he didn't become a fisherman. Aw! He's right though about this shop being an important job too! The chest beside him continued to be locked tight... We'll have to come back later.

We went to Maribel's house and her mother reminded her about her elocution lessons. She lied and said she was going to hang out at my house for a while. Her mother was happy enough because it was me! She said that she hoped MY good manners would rub off on Maribel! Justice :)

The lady from the gate earlier was happy to see us getting along so well, to which Maribel huffed dismissively.

We went to my neighbour's house. The old man and his daughter in law were there. She said how dashing my father was but she preferred her own hubby a lot more. The old lady was at the church and said how lucky we were to have such trouble-free lives and how we owed it to the Almighty, not that he had much work with just the only island in the world.

"He"? Isn't it a goddess that's in Dragon Quest lore?

I spoke with the Priest and he said stuff about me being a fisherman someday, though I would turn out like my uncle if I hung out with Prince Kiefer too much. This gets me wondering about my uncle...

I saved my game for the first time. Maribel made fun of the way I came to pray for a safe journey when it was only to the castle. Whew... it's going to be a long adventure...

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