Monday 5 September 2016


ZX Spectrum Vega game #0025

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this Space Invaders like game by Adam, Jay Derrett and CRL Group PLC.

First of all I have to say it's very fast! There's a variety of enemies on each screen and they each have their own attack pattern. They whizz around really quickly! They often go through the top and appear up from the bottom as well so the game keeps you on your toes.

You've got shooting but you also have a shield button. Shooting has disabling cooldown though if you shoot too much at once and the shield drains fuel so you have to keep an eye on the gauges at the sides of the screen. After a few levels there's a docking sequence like in Lunar Rescue and that refuels your ship.

The game over screen is nice with its rainbow colours but it's unskippable and I wish I could skip its mocking chirping after seeing it so many times in a row! The title screen text bipping sounds lovely though.

My highest score in this game so far is 9,380 after going through enough enemy screens to see two docking sequences. I haven't beaten the 11,840 default high score yet!

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