Monday 26 September 2016


Dear Readers,

Mop it up and I went back to my world. I kept the Toad skin and Mop it up changed to Toadette. Chris wasn't with us this time.

Most of the real work and adventuring wasn't done by me at all as I spent almost the whole time fishing and farming! Mop it up did loads of stuff. First, there was all the storage boxes and sign labels made for them.

I fished up a pufferfish for the first time. The description says it isn't really good for eating as it's poisonous so it's best for brewing and it can't be cooked either.

A full set of iron armour was made for me in case I wanted to go adventuring and I didn't mine, smelt or craft any of it. Such kindness...

Meanwhile I was just defending my farm from more creepers. I built a fence around it and installed a gate. I fished out some more weird stuff like water bottles and string. Lots of pollution here...

However I fished out lots of real fish as well. Good for our food supplies!

One night there was a skeleton wandering outside our home. There was a wolf attacking it and helped defeat it. I gave the wolf some bones and tamed it the next day.

I caught a clownfish. It's edible and non-poisonous, but doesn't restore much and it cannot be cooked.

Mop it up explored the map but couldn't find a village anywhere. I'm not sure if I had structures turned off or on.

I fished out more weird stuff like tripwire hooks and worn down leather boots. I put them on for fun!

Mop it up found some cool floating pieces of land. I really must go exploring...

I fished out lily pads and found them great for walking around the crops in the farm as they allow you to walk on water! Fished out some leather too. The wolf was my fishing buddy and at one point I accidentally hooked it. Whoops!

The wolf sometimes joined us indoors when we went to sleep. Nosy thing. Also, the days seemed really short. Gives new meaning to the expression "Not enough hours in the day"!

Mop it up found some pumpkins and put one on to give me a scare :)

Got pumpkin seeds out of it too, so I planted them on the farm, replacing some of the wheat crop. Mop it up advised leaving a space between pumpkins to allow them to grow but it was too late... I planted them all in a line. Whoops!

Mop it up then found an abandoned mineshaft and some gold! Happy times!

Me: "We're rich! I'm rich! You're richer!"
Mop it up: "Who is richest? Creepers?"
Me: "Not sure, they're inclined to blow it all away"

Lapis, diamonds, melon seeds and loads of other stuff were found down there. When it was night, the wolf and I stayed indoors and looked at Mop it up's dot on the map.

We called the end of the session when the huge haul of stuff was brought back. So much stuff!

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