Sunday 18 September 2016


Dear Readers,

Things continued in the arcade like they should... with fun games! There was a dancing game with arrows that Diniz was an expert at and afterwards, there was a shooting game with light guns. It was four player and the way it was described I couldn't really figure out what real life game it most resembled. Anyway, it was a long session and it came down to Ziva and me being the only remaining survivors.

Ziva then exploited a glitch and I was thrown out of the game, leaving her the victor. I did not react well! I stormed off outside...

Claire caught up with me and tried to comfort me. Luce came out as well and wasn't as comforting. In fact both of them wanted to confront me about something. About why I was always running away from things like this and my birthday party and about how Ziva feels about me. They didn't say it outright, but it's highly suggested that she does have a large place in her heart for me, that she's in love with me. That... would be pretty awesome but I won't call it yet... It's still pretty exciting though!

As for me, they wanted to talk to me about the scar on my leg. I uh... actually don't remember the scar on my leg being mentioned before in the story. I may have mentioned it before in this blog but forgotten about it.

After our chat, we went back to join the others.

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