Thursday 8 September 2016


ZX Spectrum Vega game #0028

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this Galaxian-like game by P. Dormand and Kuma Computers Ltd from 1984. It's quite flickery!

I'm welcomed by an option screen that's made up of white text on a green background. The Spectrum's green is so bright that it isn't the best combination of colours. Graphic designers make weird legibility choices all the time nowadays but there were examples of it back in the old days.

The title screen thankfully is a black background with white text. Some nice animations of the enemies are here too. During gameplay the enemies have good colours against the starry background, but they flicker a lot, especially at the start of a screen when it's full of them. The score display is a strange magenta text on blue background.

The gameplay is very Galaxian like with enemies moving side to side with the occasional one diving down at you. Action is flickery and laggy at the start but quickens and smoothens the fewer enemies are there so it's appropriate enough that it would get more challenging this way. Your laser is a straight flashing line. Sound effects are standard ticks and boops.

Playing for this blog entry, I got to the seventh stage with a score of 7,420(after squinting to see it with the colours), which is my highest so far. I find the best strategy is to stay still and shoot at one group when there's nothing coming down. If you hit one, you're likely to hit a few of their neighbours as well this way.

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