Saturday 17 September 2016


Dear Readers,

We had to bail out of the Earth Cavern again because I got confused and ran out of magic. At least we all levelled up though. Also, Rocket can now land 8 hits and punch 3 times. Looks pretty cool! Nova can land 5 hits now too.

We decided to sail back to buy some Gold Needles. Cornelia didn't have any, so we bought some at Elfheim instead. I would go on to not need any of them and even plunder more from the Cockatrices, but hey, at least we were prepared!

I had to commit the layout of the Earth Cavern to memory... Ok, so the first staircase is off to the right, the second is diagonally down-right as the crow flies, the third we had to go in an anti-clockwise direction to reach where we fought the vampire, the fourth we had to go to the rightmost point of the floor and the fifth we had to go in an anti-clockwise manner again. I'm not sure if we missed any treasures along the way...

Finally we reached where we needed to go. The real culprit was a big skeleton monster named Lich, who was feeding on the life force of the earth. Time for battle!

Rocket and Nova weren't doing much damage to it surprisingly. Joseph's Diara and Chris' Firaga moves were the strongest against it. Chris was doing the main damage while Joseph eventually had to keep everyone healed. After a few turns Lich was defeated and melted away into fading scan lines.

We restored power to the Earth crystal and left the cavern via the teleport at the back of the room and that was that!

Sadda didn't have anything new to say and the townspeople of Melmond didn't say that much either. Next time I'll check out the shrine that unlocked when I defeated Lich.

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