Wednesday 14 September 2016


ZX Spectrum Vega game #0032

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this text adventure game by Ian Smith, Shaun G. McClure, Tom Smith and Zenobi Software from 1990. Some nice illustrations accompany the text.

From the instructions, it sounds like this game was inspired by the Aliens movies. I have to navigate the corridors of the Alien Research Centre and face dangers on my mission.

The input text reminds me of Teletext font!

I navigated my way into some rooms and found an opening into a vent. There was some rubble here but I couldn't clear it so I went back to the corridor. I came across a Giant Maggot and it killed me! Gah!

I started again and faced the Maggot again, this time shooting at it but I missed it twice. I then tried another way.

I got a titanium scalpel from the lab and an ID card from the doctor's office.

Nowhere else to go but to the Maggot but it keeps dodging my shooting! There's a nice zappy sound effect when you do that though.

I couldn't figure out what to do next and just ended up being eaten by the Giant Maggot again.

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