Tuesday 27 September 2016


Dear Readers,

Mop it up and I played in my world again but this time, we used the Mario texture pack! It was my first time using a different texture in Minecraft so there were many wonders and delights to get used to. I stuck with my Toad skin and Mop it up used a Yoshi skin.

In this texture pack, various music tracks from Super Mario 64 play in a shuffled kind of way. First it was the file select music and then it was Bob-omb Battlefield.

My wolf now looked like Poochy!

The next track that played was the interior of Princess Peach's Castle. I joked and said it was from when Wrinkly Kong was playing video games in Donkey Kong Country 3. I've seen real life people get stuck on this level so maybe that was some kind of clever commentary.

The various kinds of fish are now different coloured Cheep Cheeps...

Rainbow Ride theme then played. I didn't think it was a very good choice, not unless you were doing some kind of fun action like riding around on a railway. I tried out the one Mop it up built between our mountain and the big lake to the north and it was pretty cool.

Mop it up found a horse and built a concrete pen for it outside. Later on I found a pig and a Goomba shaped chicken and led them inside the pen too with some seeds and wheat.

Snowman's Land music played. It's no coincidence that music from Super Mario 64 was chosen. Minecraft to me always had the spirit of an N64 game or at least was the next big evolution in exploring 3D worlds. GameCube didn't have enough of that with regards to being the next big step and had more arcadey stuff for the most part. Still a great console itself though :)

Night time brought the sleepy Piranha Plant music :) I never actually listened to the whole track before listening to this.

The Wing Cap music started playing too and I half wondered if Mop it up was flying around outside.

Then it was the Metal Cap music.

Then Big Boo's roundabout music... really not sure about this one. It's an unsettling and eerie thing in Big Boo's Haunt, but here it sounds like it might get annoying :/

The sun was the beautiful swirly symbol from Super Mario Sunshine :)

Mop it up helped me with my pumpkins... then they started growing like crazy! I had placed them too close to one another. Mop it up then forgot that wheat gets damaged if you run over it! Kind of reminded me of Yoshi from the old Super Mario World cartoon :)

Lots and lots of Jack-o-lanterns were made from the big crop. Mop it up set up another pumpkin farm near our house. At least now I understood that pumpkins grow into the space next to where they're planted. Nice that they don't have to be replanted either.

Mop it up said there are different music tracks I haven't heard yet. For example, in the Nether, it plays the Bowser's stage and Lethal Lava Land themes. Very good choices I'd imagine!

I wonder if the game plays the Hazy Maze Cave music? That would be pretty awesome if it did. Imagine hearing that in an underground ravine! Ooo!

Mop it up found diamonds. They look pretty sweet. Lovely jeweller shape and with eyes of its own! Standard Mario styled item :)

I made some pumpkin pie. Very good item to make as it fills 4 food bars and we now have a flow of pumpkins, eggs and sugar cane coming in.

Mop it up had a nice sky light in our roof. That was until we needed to make an extension and installed an enchanting table upstairs. All Mop it up's work too. Nice stone and wood finish to it too. Very talented interior designer :)

I decided to look for Lily pads. The ones I had fished out previously are very handy for farming because I can walk on them and not fall into the water. In the Super Mario texture pack, they have a beautiful Super Leaf design with green stripes and eyes :)

I ventured north with help from Mop it up's railway. I was hoping to find a swampy area around the huge lake but I didn't find anything and kept running out of daylight time, so I had to make constant commutes over and back. I left a little boat up there overnight.

It's kind of weird how the swords look like Hammer Bros. hammers. I thought they were axes at first, but then the axes look like the axes at the end of a castle stage in Super Mario Bros.

Mop it up brought back tons of gold and iron... continuing to strike it rich :) also built a Nether portal near the mountain. Definitely not time for me to venture there though.

Wow, the flint and steel shows up as a Fire Flower! Kinda clever :)

I sailed around the lake to the north. Found a jungle biome in the top northwest corner but no swamp area yet sadly. I eventually decided to suit up in iron armour as the days just felt so short. The cacti I saw along the way were made to look like Pokeys. :) Love it!

Mop it up had the enchanting table but also an anvil upstairs. There's no village in the map so it'll be kinda tough to find bookshelves, but they can be found in strongholds too Mop it up said. We just need to find one of those.

I went exploring in the west for a bit and found a swampy area! Woo! Lots of lilies as well :) I was so wrapped up in gathering them it was pitch dark on my way back home.

When I got back to our mountain, I found that Mop it up had put lots of lights all over the top and it looked like a big cheerful birthday cake! The idea was to light it up so we could find it in the dark on our way home.

After my lily quest, I stayed home. The farm was now much easier to walk around in with the lily pads covering some of the water and I spent the rest of the days of our session fishing. At night while Mop it up was out working hard at more stuff, I stayed at home with the wolf. At one point it was sticking its Poochy head through the door! Maybe a pet flap should be a feature!

I ought to go cave exploring some time... Like Mop it up said, it's Minecraft, not Fishcraft!

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