Monday 19 September 2016


Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about my first online session playing Minecraft with my American friends Mop it up and Chris, who would join later.

I created a new world in survival mode. Up until now I had only played the tutorial world so playing this game was still pretty new to me, though I have been watching Minecraft videos for years. I kept Player vs Player switched off and set the difficulty on easy.

Mop it up and I spawned in a wooded area and got to work straight away on punching trees to make tools. We found some stone nearby at the bottom of a cliff and made stone tools. Mop it up found a place to build our house and built it speedily out of wooden planks and lit it up with torches, while I continued to fumble with the controls and gather seeds from grass. The house was finished in the nick of time, as a spider riding skeleton spawned right in front of me and gave chase! Made it back to the house and jumped inside! Mop it up built some storage chests inside.

After the first night, I went out to gather more seeds. Just around the corner of our house was a little body of water, so I started the process of converting it into a wheat farm. I spent most of this day gathering seeds from grass. When it got dark, Mop it up was still working on the house when a Creeper came up from behind and exploded! I was the only survivor unfortunately and when I tried to attack it, I threw my sword at it instead! Gah! Wrong button! During the second night, Mop it up repaired the house and also had a basement built.

After the second night we found a skeleton had invaded my farm! I jumped around and distracted it while Mop it up defeated it. I continued to work on the farm and gathered more seeds from the open field down the hill.

On the third night I decided to choose a skin for my character. Mop it up had a cool Captain Toad one. I browsed the various options, some of which were DLC (shakes fist) and decided on a regular Toad. When I think about it now, he was always the best at pulling up vegetables so it's even more fitting! Mop it up had also put a nice stone wall around the pit near the house so we wouldn't fall into it. I continued gathering seeds for wheat farming the next day too.

Then Chris joined. I was dealing with a Creeper lurking near my farm at the time, which I could see from the roof of our house. Mop it up said a wolf killed it, which was pretty interesting! Thanks wild wolf! At one point there was a skeleton on our roof so I sworded it off.

After the fourth night I fought another Creeper away from my farm. I found the Wolf that fought off the Creeper and fed it some bones. I fed it like six bones and it wouldn't be tamed! Ah well. Chris had built a place for himself upstairs from our place and into the mountain. He says it was the supervillain in him that inspired him. He kindly built some steps too.

After the fifth night I had a bit of a fence around my farm to keep out creepies. Mop it up explored some caves and also brought back a lot of beef for our food supply.

On the sixth night, Chris tunnelled his way into our house. Gah! At least they're connected now! I made some shears out of iron ingots.

On the seventh night, Chris had died in the game. I was the only one at home and the others were looking for Chris' stuff. The next day I decided to look for sheep and shear their wool.

I found a few sheep while exploring and sheared them. At last we now had enough wool to make beds for all of us! I checked out Chris' place. He had a nice skylight above his bed. Mop it up and I put our beds in the basement.

Chris had an itch to explore the area to the northwest and I tagged along with him and Mop it up. I found some giant mushrooms and Chris was messing around with a pumpkin on his head, trying to jumpscare me. :)

It was getting dark again so I headed back to our base. Mop it up and Chris explored caves. They didn't find any mole people but found skeletons and a Creeper blew Mop it up up. I got a bit confused on the way back, so I navigated the dense forest with my map and got back to base without too much damage done. Chris helped Mop it up with recovering equipment.

I explored the southeastern bit of the map that was left and found a mushroom biome, which was a nice discovery. Mop it up and Chris found lots of redstone but didn't have any iron pickaxes, so I crafted some for them at home.

It was getting late so we called it a night. Our next plan is to excavate that cave of its redstone. The others said there's lots to find there!

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