Friday 30 September 2016


Dear Readers,

I went back to Estard to visit peoples homes. The man in the house nearest the gate said Prince Kiefer must've fallen in with some ruffian from Pilchard Bay... hey... :(

I visted the inn. The innkeeper wondered if I was running an errand for my father. I said NO and then YES another time. It seems he saw me as a tearaway but that I was a good lad after all. At least someone appreciates me :) I had a chat with the bunny girl at the bar. She asked me if I was Pike's nephew and that they appreciate his business but he will have to settle his bar tab someday. The old man at the bar asked me about my dad and said that young people should stop bothering with talk about there being other islands in the world and respect their elders. The bartender said it's strange my uncle wasn't here at this time. Hmm... so he's a drinker then... Upstairs, the innkeeper's wife (I assume) was looking after the place. I found another cypress stick up here. The bartender shoos me away if I try to talk to him from behind the bar.

At the church, the old lady's thankful for living for another year and said that young people shouldn't go messing around in places on the island and disturb anything. The boy here wonders if the Almighty is real and where he lives. I found some horse manure in the pots outside.

I visited the house in the northwest corner. The lady there thanked me for visiting, that we were all like one big happy family and said there were bears living in the hills to the east. Nice time to find out! The man here said he had to chase my uncle away from leering at his wife through the window! Yikes! The little girl was doing her make-up and told me to go away. In the bookcase there was a note from Pike, an IOU for fifty gold coins!

I visited the house to the right of the previous one. The man there said he's starting to regret renting out the house next door to Pike. He previously thought he'd be ok, since he's a brother of my dad's. Upstairs, his wife said that Pike owes them half a year's rent... yikes...

I went to Uncle Pike's house and yikes! It was really messy. Bottles all over the place, cobwebs and a washing line. He was fast asleep in bed. I do like his name though. We're all named after underwater things in this family!

I went to the weapon shop. The standard horned mask character was here selling weapons but I didn't buy any. Maribel was upstairs with Piers. He told me to buzz off because three's a crowd and she said they were only friends and that "It's tough being a girl in demand!". Yeesh... I went through the other door of the weapon shop and talked with Piers' mother. She said he could do better and that Maribel seemed like a headstrong little madam. Yyyyyyup! His father just wondered if I was one of his little mates. The chests next to him were locked... I'll have to keep them in mind...

Back outside, there was a staircase near the church. I descended into a strange tunnel with 5 square panels and a locked gate to the north. I continued down the tunnel to the south and came out at the house I saw earlier that was below Estard! I went in and met an old man who didn't seem very welcoming...

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