Wednesday 21 September 2016


Dear Readers,

The next Minecraft session I had with Chris and Mop it up was on a world Chris was hosting. Chris was dressed up as Dr Mario and Mop it up was dressed as a Shy Guy. I still had the Toad skin.

I spawned near a village and that's where the base was built. It was a nice looking place, built like a castle or a keep. Chris guided me there. He even made me a bed which he placed between the other two beds they had. We had some fun jumping on the beds before I went exploring the keep.

At night, the villagers piled into the keep and took up our workspace. They got in the way of the crafting, smelting and storage stations. The keep lit up well enough at night and there was a nice vantage point to survey the surrounding lands.

The next morning I borrowed some tools and iron to make an iron sword and headed for the beach. I also gathered some wheat to make some bread for food. Nice handy farms around here. Potatoes were growing here too.

The next night I got a scare. A creeper was standing on top of our beds! I lured it away and it exploded in the hall beneath the lookout tower, not causing too much damage. I spent the rest of the night repairing the steps and restoring the glass in the windows from the supplies.

Mop it up was slain by a zombie at one point while far away. There was a spawner nearby.

Later on I got another scare when a skeleton appeared in the keep! Mop it up and I caught it in time.

Mop it up found some sugar cane and planted some outside. Will come in handy for paper. Chris crafted compasses and gave me one! Nice!

I kind of claimed the chest near the bed for storing food. Didn't put a sign or anything above it though.

I took a notion to explore all the tunnels mined by the others. Quite a network of them and it was like exploring an ant colony. It was pretty cool. Or at least it was until I came to the stronghold they discovered and explored it. Everything became more like a labyrinth then and I got lost! To make matters worse, a witch hit me with a poison splash potion. I survived but I didn't bring any food so I wasn't regenerating health!

Mop it up eventually found me and led me out to safety. My hero! :)

I hung around the keep for a good while afterwards. The others went very far away and explored a cave with lots of iron and a ravine. It was night time but they were safe. I had a desire to go fishing. I climbed the lookout tower with the hope of spotting a spider I could sword for its string. I saw one in the desert and quickly went out to attack it, getting enough to make a fishing rod.

"Is it safe to go fishing at night if you take a boat?" I asked the others. I didn't really want to wait until morning so I made a boat as well. I then headed for the beach.

I cruised out a bit in the boat and hit the invisible wall! Gah! It was really close too. I made another boat and did some more fishing.

I didn't catch much at first. Just a wooden bowl. I eventually caught a decent amount of fish, even caught some salmon. I fished out some other junk too like some nametags. Chris came out to say hello by jumping around on my boat lol.

Poor Mop it up got pricked to death by a cactus. I never actually saw that death message before in Minecraft.

The next morning I did some more fishing but from the beach instead of bothering with the boat. A curious cow wandered up to me. It was all interested in what I was doing.

I caught a bunch of fish and went back to the keep to cook them. Chris went afk (or afc for controller?) to take a shower. I decided to cook all of Mop it up's potatoes too. Make fish and chips as a reward for saving me earlier :)

I went out to harvest more potatoes too. I cooked about 50 of them and put them in storage. Chris asked jokingly if we could make twice baked potatoes.

Chris was messing around with the one square block of water Mop it up was using for the sugar cane farm. It must've been really deep so for fun I went to check it out. Chris jumped in with me and drained the water, making us stuck in a one block wide hole surrounded by sand! He tried to dig out as carefully as possible but some freak chain reaction happened and I got killed down there. Oops!

Ah well, it was no problem because it was right next to our keep and I had no trouble getting my stuff back. It actually worked out for the better, because my map suddenly became over 3/4 complete instead of the barely 1/4 I had explored for myself.

I did some more fishing and we called it a night after that.

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