Monday 23 January 2017


ZX Spectrum Vega game #0035

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this lovely puzzle platformer by Denis Grachev of I played the NES one before but now I'm trying it on the ZX Spectrum Vega.

The title screen welcomes you with vines grown in the shape of a lovely heart and also bearing lovely heart berries. It also plays this nice quiet tinkly electronic tune. It's composed by someone called Shiru. The rest of the game doesn't have music, which I really miss after playing the NES version. The music really made that game, though it's still awesome without it.

The marquee text gives some instructions and a website link to  Some nice games to get there and it's worth visiting to check out the author's work!

I could swear the NES version of this game is easier though... Some puzzles I don't remember being as difficult in that version...

You play as a little box headed guy with an "alter ego" mirror image on the other side of the screen. He moves like a mirror image would and you switch positions in order to manoeuvre around nasty skulls and tricky platforms with the aim of collecting little bouncy boxes to complete the level. Aside from walking and climbing, that's the only game mechanic, which makes the game easy to get into. The mirror image also has its own boxes to collect, so you have to move accordingly. It doesn't take damage though.

The NES version didn't have the lovely raining stars background that this one has.

There's no music but there is a cute footstep sound effect.

This game isn't too long and it really exercises your logical thinking. I always have a very nice time when I play this! Playing it from start to finish makes for a tasty gaming session. I do miss the music from the NES version though... Ah well!

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