Thursday 12 January 2017


Dear Readers,

Just a single player creative session for today. I felt like building a house, so I started a superflat world on peaceful.

I built it all out of bricks in a big 25 x 25 block area. I kinda wondered at times if that was too big as it took a while to build it. I built the walls about 5 blocks high and a flat roof also made out of bricks.

I then lit the interior with jack o lanterns and installed windows on all sides going all the way across the walls.

Then I put in a kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom and an office. Made it like a home! :)

In the kitchen I put in a food storage with stacks of cooked prepared food and some furnaces.

In the bedroom I put in a big double bed.

In the bathroom I just put in a small pool of water. Couldn't really imagine anything else to put in there.

In the office I put in a desk and some bookshelves. It's a corner office too! Nice view of the world going by outside.

That leaves one big area, which I kind of imagine as a lounge with chairs, couches and a TV. Game consoles too of course!

I had a kind of porch partition at the front door. It seemed to make sense for some reason.

I had the world explored beforehand, so I had a full map with some villages scattered around. I decided to go visit some of them.

I did some flying as well. I love flying around in this game! I can use the map as a navigational thing like I'm doing a flight sim and arrive into a village when buildings show up and stuff. I don't know what it is but it's a great feeling hovering over a village to check it out before going in to land.

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