Friday 13 January 2017


Dear Readers,

When we got back to Salamand, we asked Josef about the Goddess' Bell and he joined our party!

He apologised for not being able to help us before. He told us that he hid a snowcraft in the cave at Semitt Falls and that we'd need it to cross the snowy plains.

Josef himself used his fists to fight, so I guess he's a monk type of character. We went to the part of the cave by a blue rock and he opened a secret door to a room with the snowcraft inside.

We left the cave and went north to the snow plain, using the snow craft to get across. Lots of enemies up here weak to Fire magic!

We made it to the Snow Cavern. Very snowy and lots of watery parts too.

The Icicle enemies look kinda intimidating, like some kind of preying mantis made out of ice.

Some enemies included Dead Heads, which were these big skull enemies. Lots of Zombies and others of its kind too. Also weak to fire, so our Fire spells got a workout!

After some time we made it to a community of beavers! We went to the leader and Guy said "Guy speak beaver". You think you know a guy! Not this Guy!

With Guy to interpret, the beaver told us about a secret passage in the right wall of the room. At the end of this passage was the Adamantoise guarding the bell.

The Adamantoise was weak against ice, so we used what little magic we had left on Blizzard spells. It was a bit tough to do much physical damage to it. Nonetheless, we defeated it. Yay!

Afterwards, we retrieved the bell and a passage opened up that lead to near the entrance of the cave. There waiting for us, was Borghen, who was after the bell as well, so he challenged us to a battle.

Borghen wasn't that strong at all and we defeated him quickly enough. He flopped on the ground and we walked around him on our way out. Then he called out to us about his booby-trap before giving a Kefka laugh, dying and vanishing.

Then this huge rock came rolling down towards us! We went as fast as we could but it was gaining! Josef then turned to stop it but he couldn't hold it for long. He told us to run out of the way. Guy hesitated but it was no good, we had to run ahead. The huge rock went back to rolling and crushed poor Josef. We gathered around him before he vanished as well and we bowed our heads in sadness.

More dramatic scenes with death and sadness... So many people dying in this game.

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