Wednesday 11 January 2017


Dear Readers,

On following the Dreadnought west, we found that it had already destroyed Poft, Paloom, Altair and Gatrea and killed almost everybody.

The exceptions being innkeepers, Cid, shopkeepers and the rebel army of course. Very lucky they were still alive!

But yeah seriously, there was a sailor in Paloom grieving over his daughter being killed. Lots of sadness and death...

Also, these were the very towns we had gotten to know on our journey so far and they've now been destroyed. Very effective storytelling that gives you a sense of loss and not what you would've expected from such an old game...

On speaking with Cid, he told us about "Sunfire", a keyword to learn and also an airship's weakness.

We returned to Altair to learn that the king's condition had taken a turn for the worse. Hilda looked really sad... everybody did really with many bowed heads and sorrowful expressions. Minwu left the party at this point to go to the king's bedside.

We asked Hilda about Sunfire and she told us there was some at Kashuan Keep.

By the way, there's an old man in this room who chastises us for not doing stuff properly, like letting the Dreadnought escape and stuff... He's a bit like Cranky Kong!

We asked the king about Sunfire and he told us about the "Goddess' Bell", a new keyword and key to getting into Kashuan Keep.

We asked Hilda about the Goddess' Bell. She said it was used to get into Kashuan Keep. Only Gordon could get in there without it, but he disappeared somewhere. She said it was in a cavern in the snow plains and that Josef could help us get there.

It was settled. Next stop, back to Salamand!

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