Saturday 7 January 2017


Dear Readers,

Our first meeting with Josef was an unhappy one, as the empire had kidnapped the townspeople to slave away in the mythril mines to the south.

I bought six Longswords for Firion, Maria and Guy and a Warp spell for Firion. Should come in handy.

We trekked to Semitt Falls, the mythril mine to the south and the first dungeon.

The dungeon music is pretty awesome. It has an ominous, almost Arabian feel to it. I can imagine this place being the lair of the forty thieves! I listened to the original Famicom version of it as well and it is even more intense, atmospheric and scary, but in a more general sense.

The doors in this dungeon often lead to empty rooms with a nasty encounter in each of them. One of the nastier enemies in this dungeon are the Green Slimes. I say that because we were completely unable to do any damage to them with our swords and we hadn't learned any attack magic yet! Not prepared at all! Had to run away!

However, we did manage to find a chest with a Fire tome, which I gave to Firion. We could finally do damage against the Green Slimes! Hooray! :)

After some time, we met the enslaved people of Salamand. Paul from Altair was here too, doing some heroic stunt or other. It was the first time I ever heard the word "dastard" being used. He was gonna steal the mythril before we could, but then he got caught. Oh well. He was nice enough to volunteer to take everyone back home anyway! That just left us to take care of getting the mythril.

We found the mythril, but it was being blocked by the Sergeant, the first boss!

I gotta say too, the boss music is really awesome in this game. It feels like you're battling some evil Arabian mythological creature. The tune is played with this haunting flute like instrument and there is some sitar plucking for added effect. It's got a very nice beat too.

As for the Sergeant boss, we were very unprepared for him too! Our weapons did little to no damage, and Firion's fire magic did help, but he ran out of MP and we could only hope for the best while using Minwu's evasion and buffing support magic. I really was about to lose hope, but we eventually managed to defeat him! Yay! We took the mythril from the chest and that was that.

We also opened a chest that contained a Teleport tome, but also a Tortoise. This creature was strong against physical attacks too and again, we didn't have any attack spells. With support from Minwu and lots of healing, we eventually defeated it. I'd say it was tougher than the Sergeant, even though it was just a regular enemy!

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