Sunday 8 January 2017


Dear Readers,

It had been a while since I last played and I had Mop it up over in my world. Before we started though, I had to download and install update 1.10, also known as Patch 15. It took almost 11 minutes to download & install and uh... it changed a few things...

I decided to use the festive skin, seeing how it was around Christmas time.

The first change we saw was when Mop it up's horse turned into a pig and then died. :(

Then, the librarian I had successfully cured at the end of our last session wasn't there anymore. :(

I changed my costume from a Snow Toad to a Green Santa.

I got a tutorial thing about dirt blocks :(

On my way out of the spawner cave, a creeper blew me up on the railway tracks and another creeper blew up and killed me. :(

Thankfully, Mop it up was nearby and picked up my stuff.

The minecarts became more sluggish. We didn't have powered rails built, so riding around in a minecart was now a lot less fun :(

The signs we made for the chests got edited with the words "Censored Censored". :(

The chests continued to say "Censored" even when we changed the text back.(there's one for censoredgaming on YouTube!)

So yeah the festive pack. Chickens were now turkeys and eggs became baubles. Pumpkins became snowman heads and the veggies with Mario faces looked really boring now and plain. Apples became toffee apples which was nice though.

When it rains in this texture pack, it looks like heavy snow. It really made me feel discouraged to go outside! Enhanced cosiness inside though!

The game froze while I was taking the minecart back to the spawner cave :( it was really long after the last autosave as well. Gah.

Got disconnected when I took the railway again. Not a freeze but a disconnect.

When I finally got back to the spawner, only one zombie came out from it. I waited ages but no other zombies appeared. Spawners don't work the same way anymore :(

After this I took the sad slow train back home...

There was a big change log when I installed the update, but they didn't mention the minecarts or the spawners.

During a heavy snowstorm I did some fishing. I fished out a power IV bow, though it was nearly broken.

The music in this texture pack was ok. It's a wintery and sort of festive tune.

Mop it up put five redstone and five lapis lazuli blocks in the fishing room. They display in this texture pack as stockings and candy canes so it was a lovely decoration! Cheered me right up :)

Rocket: Wow, imagine having 10 stockings to fill with presents!
Mop it up: Well, they're small, so probably just candy.

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