Monday 16 January 2017


Dear Readers,

On leaving Kashuan Keep, we could see Cid's airship flying overhead. The Dreadnought was chasing it!

A cutscene then happened. It was of the Dreadnought casting its huge shadow over and gaining on the airship. Then a hatch opened out the bottom and out came a claw which was trying to grab it.

Now that we had Egil's Torch lit with the Sunfire, we headed back to Altair to learn that the airship was captured and that Cid and Hilda were on board! The Dreadnought landed to the north of Fynn, so we went in that direction.

Some strong enemies on the way there, including Magicians, Soldiers, Ogres and Tortoises, but we were able to manage them ok. We got lots of tomes dropped from enemies around this point, like Berserk and Blink.

The enemies in the Dreadnought were even nastier than the ones at Kashuan Keep! We made the mistake of talking to the Sergeants a few times. We only needed to use the Pass on the one at the entrance.

But yeah, lots of enemies with darkness and poison inflicting attacks. Some encounters of enemies looked like well rounded armies of physical attackers and support magic users! This game isn't messing around!

The most terrifying of all of these enemies was opening a chest to find a Hill Gigas. Its sprite was GIGANTIC! It hit very hard as well and made for a tough battle, though it didn't have boss battle music. But yeah, very different from the much smaller ones from the first Final Fantasy!

We had to make so many trips back to recover at an inn with this place too... I think it was about 5 or 6 trips we had to make.

We eventually reached Hilda and Cid and freed them from their prison. Hilda was planning to meet us at Kashuan Keep but the empire captured them and the airship.

After this I decided to go back out but the exit was blocked by the Dark Knight! I couldn't get past him at all! This made me very scared. I had saved my game inside and wondered what would happen if I got a game over and couldn't progress after running out of MP?

I didn't dwell on it though as we were able to make it to the Dreadnought's engine. We had to go through a maze of Sergeants and not talk to any of them. I made the mistake of talking to some of them, setting off difficult battles which didn't even make them disappear off the path when I defeated them.

But yeah, we made it to the Dreadnought's engine. It was kinda cool seeing the interior of the ship with the crewmen working away at it. We tossed the Sunfire into the engine and that was that! No more Dreadnought!

The Dark Knight appeared and gave out to us. Maria recognised something about his voice but there was no time. We had to escape while alarms buzzed around us. We all ran out of the Dreadnought automatically in a cutscene, which ended in a spectacular fiery explosion.

Immediately, Cid's airship rose out of it. We all escaped! Woo! The airship flew to the west and then north all the way to Altair, dropping us off before flying away again. Business as usual for Cid I suppose...

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