Thursday 26 January 2017


Dear Readers,

I've owned and played this game since it came out in Summer 2012. I replay it when I get new StreetPass challenges, with the aim of eventually maxing out the coin counter at 9,999,999 coins, but StreetPass has died down a lot recently. As of now I have 5,772,013 coins collected from playing the game over the years. Just over halfway there.

This is kind of a dilemma, as I want to collect more coins, yet keep the game fresh and everything, so I'm gonna try some new stuff.

I'm toying with the idea of maxing out the individual stage coin score to 9,999 coins on my save file.

I also think it might be fun to max out the save file's score counter to 999,999,999 points. Right now I have 015,719,190 points, nowhere near it.

Granted, the coin rush is the fastest way to get lots of coins, but this is a different mode.

I tried doing this with the first level W1-1. I have a save file 100% completed with five stars, so I have access to unlimited golden coin flowers, which will come in handy.

I played and replayed this stage and I found the best way to get lots of coins was to shoot a golden fireball at the big stack of Goombas just before the flagpole. Then I had to go underground or overground and back again so they'd respawn and I repeated the process.

I did this as much as I could with the given time and managed to collect 6,863 coins, which is my highest for W1-1 so far.

Another strategy is to have a second player join in and then the coin total would double, but I'll try and see if I can do it as just Mario for now.

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