Tuesday 17 January 2017


Dear Readers,

Back in Altair, we heard the king had taken a sudden turn for the worse, so we went to visit. Minwu just shook his head when we arrived.

We all gathered around the king's bed, where he proceeded to give us one last request. He asked Gordon to lead the rebel army and help Hilda. He talked to Minwu about breaking the seal to access the Ultima tome and he agreed. He asked the rest of us to go to Deist, to ask the dragoons and their wyverns for help. He managed to get all this said before passing away and vanishing, just like everyone else who passed away beforehand.

Gordon said we had to save our tears for another time and he left our party to take up the throne next to Hilda's. She wasn't in hers though...

We went to her room. She was standing on the inside at the door and just smiled and chuckled at us, which was pretty unsettling. At this point you could understand she was going through some kind of pain in reaction to her father passing away.

In the throne room, Gordon gave us new keywords, "Dragoons" and "Wyverns" and directed us to Paloom, where we met a mysterious female sailor.

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