Wednesday 18 January 2017


Dear Readers,

Maria was suspicious of the female sailor, who introduced herself as Leila and offered us a ride to Deist, but Firion decided we should take the chance anyway, as no one else we asked was going there.

We got on the ship and sailed south for a while before it was revealed that they were all pirates! They circled around us in a big group while the dungeon music played. The battle itself was pretty easy thankfully!

After they were all defeated, Leila gave herself up and we recruited her into our group to fight the empire. Love her pirate accent! She's handy with a lightning spell too and looks quite stylish on the battle screen. She was actually kneeling before us... expecting us to execute her or something? Gosh I dunno...

In any case, we now had full control of a ship! Yeeha! :D

We spent some time exploring before going to Deist. There was a big structure on a land surrounded by mountains in the west but we couldn't go inside yet. For now we had to sail all the way south and emerge at the top of the map and sail around to the island where Deist was. I like the way the map kinda does that mazey trick :)

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