Sunday 23 July 2017

12 kirby planet robobot - 2-5 vs holo defence api boss

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about the boss of Area 2, the Holo Defence API.

Very handy way of obtaining the ESP ability easily here. It works really well against this boss, though I think it's a very powerful ability in general.

It has a number of different forms. The first is Holo-Kracko, with the standard Kracko moves.

The second is a pair of Holo-Doomers, then the Holo-Ice Dragon, then finally, the Holo-Coily Rattler.

After defeating all of them it was just the defence system itself with a tiny sliver of health left and going berserk, dropping stars all over the place. All that was left to do was to give it one last hit and that was it!

Area 3 is now unlocked! Woo!

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