Thursday 27 July 2017

16 kirby planet robobot - 3-3 auto scrolling in different directions

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about the giant screw tower building of this area, partly submerged.

The level begins with me emerging from the water to enter the building. No need to ascend the spiral ramp this time, just swim up!

This stage does auto scrolling in a very interesting way! When you switch plains, it auto scrolls in the other direction!

The next section had an image with clues to follow: Star, no star, star, chest. I had to get on the first star, skip the second and get on the third, all while the screen did that unusual auto scrolling from the last section. Following these directions led to a chest with the first Code Cube.

When you get the Robobot, carry the block and bring it to the background to use as a stepping stone to reach the rare sticker. If you have the Parasol copter ability you can use that too!

Beyond this, make the platform in the background reach the chest in the foreground, so that you can bring it back to the centre where you are. Second Code Cube is inside.

In the next section you must travel to the background to hit switches to clear the way. I'm not sure, but there's one part with two switches and you need to hit them both to open the way to the third Code Cube.

Here are the new stickers I got from this stage:

"NEO" from Kirby Planet Robobot
People of the Sky from Kirby Triple Deluxe - The rare sticker for this stage. It's one of the flower people I had to rescue in the last stages of this game. They're pretty cool :)
Manga Kirby from Kirby Planet Robobot
Meta Knight Ball from Kirby Power Paintbrush

I now have 85 stickers collected.

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