Wednesday 26 July 2017

15 kirby planet robobot - 3-2 robobot on wheels

Dear Readers,

On the map screen, this stage looks like it has a giant car of some kind hanging from a crane. It's what the mech suit turns into when it gets the Wheel ability!

Lots of cool tricks can be done like a fiery doughnut and hopping between plains! Do this to grab the first Code Cube.

The second Code Cube is through a bonus door you have to be quick to reach after hitting a switch. You have to keep up the pace with crumbling platforms behind you in order to reach it.

There's one section with a long path on the background plane. Don't switch from here to the front yet! Drive all the way to the end and past the part obscured by the foreground to reach the rare sticker.

Head back and keep flipping between plains to collect the stars and reach the third Code Cube.

The end goal has a cute thing where you have to drive on the platform to generate power for a laser to cut the gate out of the big rock in front of it.

Here are the new stickers I collected from this stage:

"Star" Kanji from Kirby Planet Robobot
Gryll from Kirby's Star Stacker - the rare sticker for this stage. Pretty cool looking witch character! Probably a rival from this game. I never played it.
Kirby Medal from Kirby Planet Robobot

I now have 81 stickers collected.

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