Sunday 30 July 2017

19 kirby planet robobot - 3-6 boss fight vs susie

Dear Readers,

It's time to face the boss of this dockyard and show them a thing or two! The part before it when you're in the water and the sunlight is bouncing off everything is pretty :)

I meet the one in charge. Her name is Susie who introduces herself as the executive assistant to the Haltmann Works Company. This is the weirdest thing to see NPC dialogue in a Kirby game... but I finally get to meet this character! I've seen her in official artwork and was wondering when she was gonna show up.

This magenta haired cutie is playing for the bad guys! All the tech stuff that's been happening to Popstar is part of their "Mechanising Occupation Project". They want their hands on the natural resources and look down on the natives taking them for granted, considering them to be obstacles.

This makes Kirby do his frowny face expression. Dramatic!

Susie then gets into a big robot, declaring I must be destroyed. Boss time!

The first phase is just her doing her pattern in her robot. During the second phase she makes a platform raise from the ground and launches some projectile drone attacks. The third phase, she makes holes in the mound and uses big drill attacks. I used the Fighter ability to grab the stars and lob them at her until she was defeated.

Her robot blew up and she fell to the floor. She then laughed and flew away with a helicopter, like Dr Robotnik.

Defeating her opened up the next area: Gigabyte Grounds!

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