Monday 3 July 2017

17 super mario maker - 7 deadly sins by joseph

Course ID: 4B1D-0000-008E-D73D

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this New Super Mario Bros. U style castle stage by my friend Joseph.

First I get a nice hallway of coins that almost guarantees an extra life. How nice :)

Then it's a surprise of invisible blocks sealing you away from going up to get the star. Such a tease!

Then, a generous helping of Super Mushrooms before an impossible looking section with long Fire Bars all around! What to do?

I then tried to climb up to where the Mushrooms came down, but that was blocked off with invisible blocks too! Gah!

I read the very kind Miiverse posts giving protips. One of them by Linc said to wait by the 1up Mushroom for a Star to come down on the rail. That helped me get past the Fire Bars. Woo!

Then I got a Fire Flower and had to deal with a huge number of Goombas. I eventually got past them.

Then it was a fun hallway of music blocks putting out laughing sounds. This whole stage was like a fun house of sorts :)

Nice recreation of 8-bit Mario's head at the end too! I guess the different numbered sections represent the 7 deadly sins but I'm not sure what they are. I'll try to identify them:

1. Greed - The big hallway of coins for the taking.
2. Envy - The part with the star that was out of reach. Probably a sour star anyway!
3. Gluttony - The part with all the Super Mushrooms gathered together. Yum!
4. Sloth - Waiting for the star that helped with getting through the Fire Bar section.
5. Wrath - The part full to the brim with Goombas and having to decimate their population.
6. Lust - Indulging in the silly music blocks with smiley face effects and vivacious murmur sounds.
7. Pride - The end of the level with Mario's head. Let's commemorate our achievement with a trophy of our own face!

So yeah, this level was fun in many ways :)

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