Tuesday 25 July 2017

14 kirby planet robobot - 3-1 punching giant squids

Dear Readers,

Onward to the new area. Overload Ocean looks like it was changed by the aliens by making it look like a dockyard. Some nice steel drums in the map screen theme.

The first stage looks very much like a busy shipping harbour with crates and cranes everywhere. The music sounds a bit like a remix of Float Islands.

In the first section, go through the submarine door at the far end to find the Smash Bros. ability!

The first Code Cube is found in the section with the downfall sloping platforms, above the water, just off to the right side and in some blocks. Use the stone ability to break the bomb block.

That's interesting how the mech suit can carry fused cannons! Very amusing too how it's able to squeeze into one!

The second Code Cube can be seen along the way and needs to have the cannon below pointed at it.

Very satisfying to be able to knock out those huge squids that gave me trouble earlier in the level. Mech suit rules :)

Use the opportunity to hop out of the mech suit and dive underwater. Swim to the left and through the pipe leading to the background. The last Code Cube is back here. Above water is a crate containing the rare sticker too.

Here are the new stickers I collected in this stage:

King Dedede Doodle from Kirby Planet Robobot
"Big" Kanji from Kirby Planet Robobot
Kirby from Kirby's Dream Land - The pink version from the original artwork!

I now have 78 stickers collected.

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