Tuesday 18 July 2017

7 kirby planet robobot - 2-1 ness' ability from earthbound

Dear Readers,

I headed to the next area, Resolution Road. The first area is some kind of metropolitan area with motorways.

That first section was cool! A big city with pedestrian crossings and rules of the road abiding Waddle Dee motorists! First Code Cube is in the background.

Then it's the rooftops. I don't think I've ever seen a big built up city area in a Kirby game before. Well, there's City Trial from Air Ride I suppose. Since the planet got all built up and mechanised, these houses with chimneys popped up all over.

The music is a nice bouncy theme. It doesn't feel much like a city theme, except maybe if you're flying above the rooftops at dawn or during the morning commute.

The robo suit combined with the parasol ability gives you a helicopter parasol ability, which is nice! The second Code Cube is in the chest in the background. It's part of the path but make sure you hit the switches.

Up ahead there's a mini-boss that has psychokinetic abilities. When I defeated it, I absorbed another new power for this game, ESP! It also gives me a baseball cap, which I wear just like Ness from EarthBound!

The third Code Cube is through a door unlocked by a battery. Use the ESP ability to hit the switch. To the right of here is another mech suit. Together with ESP, the suit uses electronic psychokinetic abilities. I like the warpy things on its hands!

You can use the mech suit to punch out cars and buses! That feels so satisfying after trying to avoid them the whole level! :D

After getting the mech suit, head back and unscrew the screws to get the rare sticker for this stage.

Here are the new stickers I got after finishing this stage:

Maxim Tomato from Kirby Nightmare In Dream Land
Gooey from Kirby's Dream Land 3 - the rare sticker for this stage
Kirby Emblem from Kirby Planet Robobot

I now have 47 stickers collected.

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