Thursday 8 April 2021

48 bugs vs. tanks! - versus wasp and more bee cohorts

Dear Readers,

CO-OP mission 3-3 was titled Sky Queen: Invade.

Colonel Diekmann said the wasp nest was literally spitting. Lots of little minion enemies then with one big boss baddie. He asked us to take care of them before the rest of them would launch a counterattack. 

The buzzing was certainly louder this time but the bees were easy enough to defeat. As for the wasp itself, for some reason it did feel like it was making more of an effort to fight, but it still did the nodding thing when we shot at it and continued to be easy enough to deal with. We completed the mission with 255 points and a C rank.

We didn't need to shoot out a nest. In fact I made the silly mistake of pressing START to confirm the objective and forgot that it made CO-OP missions end instead! Oops!

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