Monday 26 April 2021

8 the starship damrey - getting past ar-8 and discovering the doctor

Dear Readers,

I took the cookie can downstairs to see what I could do with it. I figured it out that I could take it back to the generator room and fill it with oil.

I wasn't sure what to do next, so I went back to the title screen and looked at Abdul's profile. According to it he seems to have been very serious and solitary. It also said he had a grudge against Bobby and he needed to be more personable and cooperative.

I got back into the game and wandered around more with the can of oil. The only thing I could do really was use the heat plate in the common room. I wasn't sure what I was doing, but I just decided to heat the oil anyway. It heated up to a temperature too dangerous for robots and the computer made it switch off. I took the hot oil and took it into the storage room to throw it all over AR-8! When I doused it with hot oil it malfunctioned and crumpled in a heap. I was now able to proceed! Hooray!

I exterminated the space leech in this room and in the next room. At the other end of the room was a door and in the corner laid another body of a dead crewmate in a space suit! It didn't do that jump scare thing though with the sudden camera pan and noise.

This was Dr. Mei Ling. I couldn't determine her cause of death either but I could scan her ID card, which gave me access to the Doctor's Quarters and the Lab. Poor lady.

I decided to go through the new door into the new corridor, which triggered a cut scene! It was a room with some green liquid containers, one of which started draining. A sired started flashing and it showed a container, which I presume is a Cold Sleep coffin thingy? I'm not sure what's going on. May not be good news though.

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