Friday 23 April 2021

5 the starship damrey - the ghost girl and a robot jumpscare the life out of me!

Dear Readers,

It was a relief to be out of the noisy generator room. I continued through the corridor and came across a vent switch. I learned that robots can be sent through ceiling vents with this button. I had to upgrade the robots with low light units first though because the vents were dark.

I continued into the next corridor where I found robot AR-3 crumpled in a heap, blocking the corridor.

The only door here I could examine was the Warpdrive Room door. It seems only the Warp Navigator could use it.

I checked AR-3 a couple of times and it was really stuck. It seemed to have sustained heat damage from an environment over 200 degrees Celsius. It was recommended to move it in person since I couldn't do it with the robot.

Having nowhere else to go, I returned to the elevator, where I could now use it to go to the upper deck.

When I got to 2F I went around the corner and saw the girl with the hat! She smiled at me and walked through one of the doors. Creepy!

I was able to access both rooms. I tried the Storage Room first. Inside was robot AR-8, just standing right there. The moment I tried moving towards it, it suddenly attacked and made me jump out of my freaking skin. I got an awful fright!

No matter what I tried, AR-8 attacked me. I couldn't do anything else in the storage room because of it, so I went into the Common Room. I think this was where the girl went, but I couldn't see her. Both of these doors were locked too and she just walked through one of them like a ghost.

In the Common Room were a table, chairs and plants. The plants had a self-watering system, which was handy. There was a heat plate for heating food and a water server, for filling a container with water. Hmm...

There was another space leech in this room in the corner, so I exterminated it.

When I left the room, the ghost girl was right there in the doorway during the room transition! Another jumpscare! I rushed back into the room and there was no sign of her, so I left again. Yeesh!

I got used to the initial creepiness of the setting only to get two pretty nasty jumpscares.

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