Friday 30 April 2021

12 the starship damrey - exploring the vents and finding danny and ar-4

Dear Readers,

The inside of the vent was narrow and green from the light I was using in there. There was a noisy fan going in here and it made a cluttering sound every now and again, just like below.

I crawled through, turned the corner and took the left path. There was a space leech here to exterminate and still made a noise despite the fans going.

I continued on this path until it split in two. I turned right and found another dead crewmate in a spacesuit! I identified the body as 2nd Lt. Danny Ngoc Son, the First Mate. Why was he in the vent? That was another mystery. I found an ID Card in his pocket, but it was damaged and I couldn't scan it!

Just beyond Danny was a small shining object on the ground but I couldn't get past him. I took the other route and it led to another space leech to exterminate and a vent switch that exited to the control room. I retraced my steps back along to explore the other remaining passage, which had another space leech to exterminate and a vent switch that lead to the other part of 1F's corridor.

I decided to go into the control room, suddenly quiet again. I scanned something red with big warning sign on it. The computer told me it housed dangerous objects and needed a specific crew member to open it, but didn't say who. There was a control panel in here that only responded to human input.

AR-4 was in here. Locomotion and camera were nonoperational. The arm was still functional and the battery had 50% power left. I was able to take it.

I took the battery all the way back to the AR Dock Bay, but I wasn't able to do anything with it. I then continued to the Warpdrive Room on this floor, which I could now access.

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