Tuesday 27 April 2021

9 the starship damrey - encountering the keplarian and the doctor's research

Dear Readers,

I decided to explore the doctor's areas later and go into the new corridor instead. One of the paths was blocked by a makeshift barricade. made out of various things like the plants from the common room and other stuff. Why was this built? Was it because of the danger Abdul described?

There was also a Chem-Tank here. I couldn't obtain it because it was buried underneath all the debris.

I continued through the corridor into another corridor that connected the one from earlier that had access blocked because I didn't have the doctor's ID. Full circle now!

The first door to check was the Medical Bay. I was able to unlock and go inside. There was a space leech to exterminate next to the door to the doctor's quarters. The other door led to the laboratory.

I decided to check the laboratory first. A cutscene kicked off where AR-7 went into the lab and the door locked behind it. Then a really creepy creature emerged and walked towards it, letting out a scream before collapsing on the floor. It was the Keplarian!

I examined it and it seemed to be dead. There was nothing to find on it. The door was now green again too so I was able to leave. I explored the room a bit more though and exterminated a leech in the corner. Then I examined a lab device, which was used to adjust pressure, temperature and injections into the tank.

There was an open cabinet here and it contained the following:

Modigan Crystal

Modion Crystals

Oxidized Copper

Bodnium Chloride

Storium Chloride

The computer didn't have data on any of them except for the copper, which said it reacted when exposed to oxygen and that this was powdered for better reactivity. I didn't take any of them for now.

I saw that the tank was open and found a report in the middle of the room, which was about the progress of the Keplarian. It said a state of hibernation was induced by lowering its blood volume. Then it said there was a program to restore its blood, noting oxygen as a factor. Hmm...

I left the lab to explore the doctor's quarters, which was larger than the regular crew quarters. It did have the same light flicker problem that Bobby's room had.

The report on the doctor's desk was about the Keplarian. It said they can enter a state of forced hibernation when threatened by changing their blood volume as necessary. Hmm... I wonder if that thing is really dead...

There were three files in the doctor's locker.

The red file had medical files and reports.

The blue file was about pharmaceuticals. There was a bookmarked page that said Modonium was a highly volatile gas and was created when Bodnium Chloride reacts with Modion Crystals & oxidized copper. It's not toxic but can burn skin and cause metallic chem-tanks to explode. Sounds like useful noteworthy information!

The yellow file had medical manuals in it.

I took the blue file data as instructions! I raided the laboratory's cabinet for the three chemicals and brought them to the chem-tank, one by one. When I had the last one inserted, a cutscene played out where the tank started wobbling, then the robot got out of the way in time for it to make a big explosion, clearing all the debris in the barricade! Yay!

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