Sunday 25 April 2021

7 the starship damrey - fetching water for abdul

Dear Readers,

I went into the only room of the crew quarters that wasn't locked. It was really neat and tidy inside and unlike Bobby's room, there weren't any space leeches or bottles of alcohol.

I checked the locker and got another jumpscare when someone collapsed out out it and onto the floor, groaning desperately for water! Wow, someone else on board that was alive! They were identified as the Information Officer, Abdul and this was his room. He was in his space suit for some reason.

Abdul was in pain, so I decided to take his Water Case. His suit had the ability to give him water to drink through this case. I took it from him and left the room.

I checked the two remaining doors and they were locked. I left the quarters and examined the next door, which only the doctor could access. After this, I made my way back to the common room.

I filled up the container at the water server, then returned to Abdul. Nothing scary happened along the way, even though I was fully expecting something to happen. I attached his case and he took some gulps of water. Then he warned me about the "Keplarian" that went crazy and to be careful as they might still be around. Then he died.

I examined him a few times but there were no signs of life or clues as to how he died, but he was in pain so presumably he was injured. I was also able to scan his ID card, which gave me access to the Sample Storage Room.

On the ground next to him was an empty can of cookies so I took it. I went back to the storage room, but this was a different one for storing planetary exploration vehicles and also AR-8 was still blocking my way. I then went straight for the elevator and went back to 1F.

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