Thursday 30 June 2022

70 xenoblade - sharla's nightmare

Dear Readers,

After Metal Face kidnapped Juju and got away, an end of chapter save came up.

The next scene was a flashback with Sharla, Juju and Gadolt during the attack on Colony 6. A man named Otharon came along and ordered her to be in charge of the evacuation. She was emotional. Gadolt told her he'd be able to focus on the battle knowing she was safe. She handed him the rifle and they said their farewells. She swore to keep everyone safe until she could see Gadolt again.

Just then, Metal Face appeared! It said it would keep everyone real safe... in its belly! Sharla then woke up! This flashback was her bad dream. We were all back at the refugee camp. We wanted to go with her to Colony 6. We had our thing against the Mechon and she was the only one we knew who could also use ether.

We mingled with the refugees again before heading out. They didn't have much else to say.

Wednesday 29 June 2022

69 xenoblade - the not so nice metal face attacks and speaks

Dear Readers,

Battle began against the mysterious metal faced enemy. We fought it for a very short time and it had a mean sweeping move that knocked us off our feet. It wasn't long until the next dramatic cutscene.

I wondered why the Monado wasn't doing anything against the Metal Face. It laughed and jeered at us as it attacked and spawned minions. Reyn was kept busy with the minions and Sharla ended up hanging off the edge of the platform.

I danced around Metal Face who was able to recognise the future seeing ability I had with the Monado. A few moments later it looked like it was getting some kind of signal to leave. It grabbed Juju and told me to come to Colony 6 if we wanted to see him again, but to hurry as it was getting hungry. Then it flew away, Juju calling out loud for his sister.

Sharla climbed back up on the platform. We could only watch as Juju was being taken away.

Tuesday 28 June 2022

68 xenoblade - saving juju from the mechon m71

Dear Readers,

We went back to the upper area of the Bionis' Leg and headed for the story marker. We caught up with Juju! A very dramatic and action-filled cutscene played where Sharla ran ahead to help Juju and I got a vision of her demise.

Suddenly the Monado got another symbol and I wondered aloud if I could save her. A voice from somewhere said of course I could. A new weird power came from the Monado as I ran forward and got Sharla out of the way. I warned everyone about the tentacles coming out from the ground.

The scene continued with lots of fancy footwork from all of us as we attacked the tentacles and teamed up, a new blue light from the Monado surrounding us. I learned a new Art for speeding us up.

Battle begun with the Mechon M71. We just kept attacking and attacking until another scene played where it ran off and headed above.

When I played this years ago, I got stuck here in a big way. I wanted to see how far I could get by rushing. This time it wasn't much of a road block thankfully.

We ran up the spiral path to a platform where we had another showdown with the monster. We continued attacking and whittled it down to nothing without too much trouble.

Another dramatic scene played where Reyn jumped and grabbed Juju from one of the tentacles before the M71 exploded. Sharla rushed over, full of emotion. She slapped Juju before hugging him and sobbing. She was so happy he was safe.

Something didn't seem right to me though. This wasn't the exact monster from my vision before. It didn't have a metal face.

Just then, another Mechon appeared and it did have a Metal Face! It spoke as well! It called me Monado boy and wanted a piece of me. Another battle!

Monday 27 June 2022

67 xenoblade - visiting the grave of earnest's friend

Dear Readers,

We warped back to the upper level of the Bionis' Leg to continue exploring. It was dark and stormy. The bridge was lit up nicely with lights on the sides. 

We continued north and found the place to be crawling with Tirkin. There was a story marker but we ignored it to find Earnest's friend's grave, past the waterfall. There was nothing behind the waterfall but further north we eventually found a marker at the northeastern most point of the area.

This was the grave. We laid the flowers and suddenly we were attacked by a big Arrogant Tirkin! It was LV19 and we were able to handle it. We defeated it and warped back to Earnest.

Earnest was delighted to hear what we had to tell him. He said it was finally over. He said someone lied to him and his friend about there being crystals there. They found nothing and were attacked by a Tirkin. His friend died to save him and this memory gave him nightmares. He hadn't been able to trust anyone since.

He then thanked us for all this stuff we did for him. He wasn't going to be dishonest anymore. Hooray!

He acknowledged he shouldn't be lying just because he was lied to as it would make him no different and thanked us again for making him realise it. He still didn't trust others but he trusted us.

We told Ewan about Earnest and he understood him more now. He was relieved.

Speaking of Ewan, he was developing feelings for Matryona! Woo!

Sunday 26 June 2022

66 xenoblade - beating up white eduardo during a thunderstorm

Dear Readers,

We wandered around looking for the waterfall Earnest was talking about but we couldn't find it. We decided to proceed to find new areas and continue the story.

A small scene played where we discussed where Juju went. I said my vision didn't come true about him being on this spot on Maguel Road. Sharla said Juju would've stayed on the road.

We took a look at the path north of here and it led to some strong enemies. We decided against it for now. Then we went to an upper platform back near the bridge and found more Mechon along with M64s. We beat them all and completed the quest for those particular ones.

We continued on Maguel Road and came across many more Mechon. We ran past them for now into another sprawling open area. There was a big waterfall here along with another body of water. The road ended and it seemed the options were to turn left to the story marker or go right across the bridge to a big open gateway leading in to a really big passage. We hunted for more Brog meat here and finished that quest. We made the landmark at Bask Cave Passage. This passage led to another entirely new area, but we decided to head back and explore one area at a time.

To review, the area where Maguel Road ended was called Bionis' Leg Upper Level.

A thunderstorm started with proper lightning, so we warped back to Raguel Bridge and found the White Eduardo on the island below the bridge. It was a bigger than normal brog and wasn't too hard to defeat at all.

The refugee quests are finishing and coming along nicely! 

Saturday 25 June 2022

65 xenoblade - big creature at daksha shrine scares us away

Dear Readers,

I caught up with Earnest and told him the truth about his second cave. He said we were too trusting but gave us something for our trouble.

He had yet another quest for us. There was a grave on the cliff north of Kasharpa Falls. He asked us if we knew whose it was. Sharla didn't know either. He said it was his friend's grave and asked us to put flowers on it. He was feeling guilty about lying to us but Sharla forgave him and said she could see something in his eyes. She was willing to believe in him. We agreed to the quest. He told us to be careful about Tirkins but didn't say why. It seemed like it could be how his friend passed away.

We got the Idle Chit-Chat achievement for having party members stepping into conversations 50 times. Nice little bonus.

We went out to look for this place. While exploring we picked a fight with the Violent Andante that was stomping around here. It was a big dinosaur beast that was satisfying to defeat.

Exploring further we found a path to some cool ruins called Daksha Shrine. We saw a glowy red item we didn't have a quest for yet and approached it, when suddenly this massive creature that was too strong for us crawled up out of the surrounding abyss! We ran away and decided to come back later.

Friday 24 June 2022

64 xenoblade - delivering pama's picture book

Dear Readers,

We returned to Arda at the refugee camp and gave her the herb. Then we told her to keep a close eye on Pama and keep him away from the water. Arda heard about the book and called Matryona and Ewan lovebirds jokingly. She said not to tell them that but she knew them a long time and thought they'd make a lovely couple. How sweet! Maybe something nice will happen now that they have worked things out. Maybe it's a good thing that Ewan escaped with them after all.

Then we told Matryona about Arda getting better and being able to look after Pama. I noticed the Lake Drop quest seemed to disappear somehow? I'm not sure what happened. Must be one of those choose this or that things to happen. She then gave me the completed picture book to give to Pama. I gave it to him and he was overjoyed! He was gonna get Arda to read it to him.

We told Olga about what Ewan had done and she changed her opinion of him to something more understanding. Yay!

Pama disappeared. I went looking for him and he was outside with Arda, both in the pouring rain! She just got better! She'd want to be careful! They were both very happy at least.

Thursday 23 June 2022

63 xenoblade - finishing many quests at raguel bridge

Dear Readers,

We made it to Raguel Bridge and came across Juju's crashed buggy. I placed my had near it and got a vision of him...

In the vision I saw Juju being attacked by Mechon tentacles snapping at him, then nothing else. I told Sharla and she wanted to know when it was happening. I said I wasn't sure but I didn't think we had much time.

I felt the urge to press ahead but I also wanted to finish some quest stuff. We went as far as the other side of the bridge. Both sides had warp points which was handy. Then we warped back to the refugee camp.

We told Satata we defeated that big Brog and he was so happy to be able to eat fish again that he was emotional!

There was also the bird necklace, which we found on the ledge above this area by the bridge. We had to go through Earnest's first cave in order to reach it.

Then, on the far side of the bridge, we found goal markers for quests! We found Earnest's second cave, which was hidden very well. It was yet another ordinary sized ether deposit though. Then, by the bridge were vines we could climb down the cliff safely until we reached a platform with the lake drop and then further on along this area was the medicinal herb! All the Pama related quests! Woo!

Wednesday 22 June 2022

62 xenoblade - swimming in raguel lake and discovering the mushroom platforms

Dear Readers,

We headed East for Raguel Lake. It wasn't long before we got there. It was a big body of water with mushroom platforms standing in the middle of it. There were some Mechon in this area too.

We went down to the shore and swam around. We got to a little island with Flamii and a big brog on it. This Abnormal Brog was LV16 and we beat it handily to finish a quest.

After swimming around for a bit we got back to shore and went back up to the mushroom platforms, which were bridged. I was always curious about them! We couldn't explore them much though because there were some very tough enemies here that were many levels stronger than we were.

We got back to the main path and started seeing more Mechon. We picked a fight with a group that had M64s we needed to beat for a quest. It played threatening music but we were well able to take them on.

We continued onwards to the bridge where Juju crashed his buggy.

I'm pretty sure now that this area is the exact one in the reverse Wii cover art for the game! I was able to point out our location near the first bridge of the mushroom platforms! I also need to note that this reverse cover artwork is from the PAL version of the game.

Tuesday 21 June 2022

61 xenoblade - distressing monado visions about pama

Dear Readers,

We went back out to the plains to find more of Ewan's gooseberries. The items respawned and after a while we found the remaining ones we needed.

We headed back to the camp and gave them to him. He made paint out of them and asked us to give it to Matryona as he wasn't able to face her right now.

Even though she was in the same area as him I took his letter and paint to her. She was really impressed and had a strong desire to work on the book with him.

I turned around and told him the news and he was delighted and encouraged to work on the book with her. Their relationship grew much stronger which was good.

Matryona then talked about the book. It was about a river spirit that grants a wish to a sad boy named Pama.

Suddenly I got a vision! It was of Pama going to a real river to look for the spirit and ending up drowning!

I told Matryona my concern and she agreed to edit her picture so Pama wouldn't get any silly ideas. She asked me to get a Lake Drop for editing and I agreed to it.

This was very interesting! The quest was framed in a way that Pama would end up drowning if I didn't get this item! It's located near Raguel Lake, the place I've been holding off on visiting to do earlier quests. I'm really feeling the need to go there now though!

Suddenly I got a vision of Arda lying on her side, wishing she could help Pama. The subplot thickens...

Ewan realised he could lift the spirits of the people through his writing and this motivated him. "Words will save us!" he said, which was nice.

I walked over to Arda and told her about the book. She was delighted and wished to be with Pama all the time so she could take care of him and keep him safe. She needed medicine to get back on her feet though. I agreed to find medicinal herb for her. She'll help keep Pama safe from drowning if I do this. Again, this herb could be found at Raguel Lake. Better get going!

I'm liking the Monado visions happening during these quests. This game is developing a sense of its own unique soul.

I had another chat with Pama who didn't have anything else to say. If only he knew!

Monday 20 June 2022

60 xenoblade - hunting wisp bugs for medicinal fluid

Dear Readers,

We went back to the refugee camp. The woman we rescued wasn't here, day or night, but the one who told us about her acknowledged what we did at least.

There was a night quest to hunt for wisps for fluid, so we set out to hunt for them. They weren't easy to find since they were flying insects. I had to tap the shoulder buttons while running around in hopes to target them.

We found some now and again and many of them didn't have the drops we wanted but they were easy and quick to defeat at least. We had to be careful of very high-levelled enemies as well. Some of the wisps were hanging around them.

We kept squashing wisps until we got the fluid Olga needed. We also found some of Ewan's gooseberries. They seemed to be scattered around the plains randomly. We spent more time trying to find the remaining few but couldn't find any for now. Maybe later.

We went back to Olga and gave her what she wanted. This gave us some stat boosts. She then talked about Ewan and she did not like what he did. She said when he fled he left his sons behind. That's a pity... so the people here were thinking bad things about him after all...

Sunday 19 June 2022

59 xenoblade - rescuing the bathing lady from ferocious volff

Dear Readers,

We went out for more questing. We hunted some bunnits in the northwest and some flamii as well near a pool of water. In the southwest we found the torn paper, which was well labelled on the minimap thank goodness!

We saw a waterfall and headed for it, remembering someone talking about a lady going there to wash separately from everyone. Suddenly this new quest came up where she was being attacked by 4 Ferocious Volff.

Well, she wasn't being attacked per se, but the four of them were standing on the shore and she couldn't get out. They looked big and intimidating alright. They weren't a very high level so we managed them handily. After we defeated them we talked to her. She wasn't in the nip but she was bathing. She said it was a good spot for it but she said she wouldn't come here on her own anymore. Then she went back to the camp by herself. Whew.

We explored the Volff lair and got some other bits and pieces. We also found moth crawlers out in the field in various places. Eventually we got the whole area west of the refugee camp explored.

Saturday 18 June 2022

58 xenoblade - bringing back meat and clothing for the refugees

Dear Readers,

We went back to the refugee camp with the spoils from quests.

Earnest had another quest for us! This time he told us of another area where the endless supply of ether was supposedly. It was in a cave on the edge of Raguel Lake, south east of the bridge. I confronted him about his previous falsehood and he said he wasn't lying, just wrong - but he was sure this time! We accepted the quest anyway. He said it was at water level so we might get a bit wet.

Satata had another quest for us. He said a monster moved into a lake where they fished. It was an Abnormal Brog near Raguel Lake. Sharla felt bad something like this happened while she was out questing with us. Satata told her not to worry about it as she had her reasons too. 

We chatted with Nikita, who had admiration for Satata for fixing his toy and inventing the ships that helped everyone evacuate.

We gave the Ponio Neck Meat to Ewan, which made him agree to write the book. He was getting happier and said his luck might be changing. Now we had to return to Matryona. We had to set the time to 9am after looking up her schedule in the affinity chart, but we caught up with her and she was delighted with the news. 

We caught up with Ewan again, who apologised for being distant before. He talked about how he was feeling really bad about hiding among evacuees during the attack so he could leave on the ship. Sharla told him not a single person in the camp hated him for the decision he took. He said hearing that made all the difference and he was feeling more positive and encouraged to get back to writing. Hooray! He then asked us to find sour gooseberries to make some paints up for Matryona, which will make the book look really nice. We agreed to find the 4 he wanted.

Anna asked us which of the two boys she had a crush on she should pick, Naughty Nikita or Innocent Kiroki. Nikita didn't sound naughty and Kiroki was a Nopon so I said Nikita. She didn't mind and said Kiroki would be her servant then. Hmm... I wonder if that was the best decision and if it affects anything?

I got the Spider's Web achievement for forming affinities in the chart 50 times!

We brought home the spoils, got more quests, which'll be for next time.

Friday 17 June 2022

57 xenoblade - beating up the tirkins for stealing clothes

Dear Readers,

It started raining, which reminded me of that monster challenge quest at Raguel Lake. We hadn't discovered the lake in question yet though. However, we did find the famous Tirkin headquarters!

The Tirkin were big pudgy birds that used bows and spears. Their headquarters was above the Rho Oasis and northwest of the Kamos Guidepost. We found two guard ones outside a cave and beat them up. Then we went through a passage that led to a secluded outside area surrounded by cliffs. We recovered the stolen refugee clothes and stormed the place! We beat them up one by one. Then we fought them in groups. They were pretty handy to deal with.

Then there was the boss Tirkin, a bigger one than normal along with its regular sized cohorts. This battle was more interesting as they had the ability to do team up moves like we could. They made us dazed as well. We launched coordinated attacks of our own and eventually beat them all up, winning lots of loot for quests.

On the way back we beat up some Ponio to finish up more quests.

Thursday 16 June 2022

56 xenoblade - fixing toys and gathering more quests

Dear Readers,

We went back to Earnest and told him the cave he pointed us to didn't live up to his words. He found it weird but praised us for checking it out and gave us a reward for our trouble. That's something I suppose. He apologised as well so that's good of him.

I then found Satata and gave him the web. He fixed the toy and told me to deliver it. A weird thing happened with his dialogue box where the words didn't fit inside it. Weird.

Olga had a quest for us. She was looking after the medical stuff here and they were running out. She asked us to collect 5 lots of Glowing Wisp Fluid from Wisps at night. We accepted.

I gave Kiroki the toy and he went to apologise to the owner so their friendship could be saved. We went back to Satata and told him, which made him happy too.

Arda was showing concern for Pama and was sad she couldn't help him in her condition.

We went out to do some quests and while we were fighting some Ponio, we won and Sharla said she could do with a shower. Tifa says this a LOT in the Final Fantasy VII remake! I haven't played the remake but I've seen livestreams.

Wednesday 15 June 2022

55 xenoblade - investigating earnest's cave

Dear Readers,

We left the refugee camp, swimming in quests and wondering what to do first. I remembered some earlier quests from Colony 9 as I reread them. Still not strong enough to take them on yet.

Some of the new quests we got had a stopwatch so we'll have to keep an eye on those before letting the story progress too far. There were a ton of them actually.

A cutscene played where Juju crashed on a bridge Sharla pointed out. From his perspective he decided to continue on foot. We'll catch up to him later.

I took some time to review the quests to get a focus on them. We beat up some Antols, then we went to the cave Earnest told us about. Inside was a short passage that looped back outside. This was called Kisk Cave and it had Vangs and Arachnos for the other quests. We looked at the ether deposit here and it was just an ordinary one, so Earnest was exaggerating.

The vangs were flying high and I assumed Sharla's bullets could reach it fine and that was true. Her repeating voice lines include not letting anyone in the party die. She has a strong, serious, supportive voice.

We went out the other side and it was raining. We could see the bridge where Juju crashed.

I looked at the game's reverse cover art. The area we're in looked like the area shown with the grassy plain and weird mushroom rocks. On the far left of it is a bit of a bridge. Could be this very bridge! We'll have a look later and see if we can match it to the cover art. We didn't go to the bridge straight away. We went back to camp to finish up some quests.

Tuesday 14 June 2022

54 xenoblade - nighttime worries of the colony 6 refugees

Dear Readers,

With all the chatting we were doing with the Colony 6 refugees, it lasted into the night and we met others.

A man wanted us to defeat 5 Mechon M64 on the Bionis' Leg. We accepted the mission. He also wanted us to defeat 2 Brave Tirkins. We accepted that too. he said they usually left them alone but they've been attacking lately.

Had another chat with Ewan and he had a problem with Earnest telling tall tales. He also felt really guilty about being here around the other refugees because he was a man in his 20s. Poor guy.

A refugee on the beach said he lost a gift someone gave to him and asked us to help find the Torn Paper as it was too dangerous for him to go find it. We accepted this mission. He seemed really troubled. He also said he saw a woman who goes to a waterfall because she didn't want to be seen by the others but it was dangerous.

The lady here with him was supportive and worrying about him. She dreaded waking up someday to find him gone. She wanted to be supported herself too.

In the cave, a pink Nopon said they felt safe when Juju was around and wasn't able to sleep without him.

An old lady refugee wanted some material for new clothes as they didn't have anything except what they fled with. She also heard about wisdom teeth from monsters that helped prevent illness. She asked for 3 Vang Third Molars. We accepted both quests.

An old man named Gorman said Tirkins stole their laundry as a way to lure them out. We agreed to recover them for him. He said they lived in the ruins to the north west.

Another old guy was unhappy with the food here. He understood they couldn't have luxuries but he wanted some nicer flavours, so he asked us to get 2 Clear Almonds from Tephra Cave. We accepted and agreed that it would improve the mood around here. We had the stuff already so it was complete! First mission here that was already complete so yay! He seemed really happy, waving his arms like he was dancing!

More people and all the troubles they're facing, even in the refuge here. It'll be nice to help them out.

Monday 13 June 2022

53 xenoblade - mingling with the colony 6 refugees

Dear Readers,

Sharla joined us to go after Juju, but we stayed a while longer to mingle with people in the refugee camp.

Satata the Nopon said he designed Juju's buggy and felt bad that he got hurt. He came up as Self-proclaimed inventor.

We walked and swam around the big weird vehicle in the water. What was that thing? Couldn't get any information about it right now.

Up on the cliff above that pool of water were a Hom refugee and a Nopon refugee. The Hom said to avoid strong monsters, especially in Windy Cave. The Nopon had a mission for me. The monsters were in his favourite spot to gather food. This particular monster was Trainer Harmelon near the north part of Spiral Valley on the Bionis' Leg upper level. We accepted the mission. He also wanted us to defeat the Vagrant Alfead in the Tirkin Headquarters on the Bionis' Leg. We accepted this too. This poor Nopon wanted to find their parents but the girl here was blocking him.

On the beach near the contraption were kids. One of them wanted some pet insects for his little sister. 3 Moth Crawlers. We accepted this quest. Aw. This little sister was asking where their dad was but she was asleep during the attack. Her brother told us their dad got eaten and whenever she asked about him he just hugged her with tears in her eyes. She still believed their dad was coming for them.

Earnest told us about an eternal ether deposit and Sharla knew about it. Reyn was sceptical about it. I accepted the mission to find it. He came up as "Doesn't let anyone near" and his mission came up as "Earnest's Fibs". Bit of mixed information there but we'll check it out anyway.

Another refugee asked us to get rid of 2 Basin Antols so he could go see some fireflies without fear of monsters.

Inside the refugee cave, Nikita said he loved Sharla so much because she was always looking out for them. He came up as Strong, dependable boy. A good boy!

There were more heart to hearts I couldn't do. One involved Reyn and Sharla, but their affinity had to be higher. Will come back later.

Satata then came inside the cave and had a mission for us. It was to get 3 Sticky Web Fibre to fix a toy one of the kids broke earlier. We accepted.

The cave didn't seem so big after all, just a bit of a loop and that was it.

We went back outside and now the refugee girl from the cliff had a mission for us. She dropped the Bird Necklace her boyfriend got her when she fled some attacking monsters. We accepted. She then revealed her boyfriend died trying to save his big brother and little sister. Aw...

Actually wait, she was different to the refugee girl from the cliff. It's hard to tell because everyone looks the same in this game, at least on the field.

An old lady refugee wanted to cook something to lift everyone's spirits. We agreed to find several things for her.

More mingling next time. I could really get a sense of the people's sadness and loss from when they fled and lost their loved ones.

Sunday 12 June 2022

52 xenoblade - sharla tells her story and joins the party

Dear Readers,

Sharla asked if we would listen to her story about Colony 6. She told us in dramatic voiced dialogue. The Mechon attacked, burned the place, killed and ate people. She fled along with others. Left behind were soldiers to fight, one of them named Gadolt, her husband-to-be.

Gadolt's name is distracting because the "l" isn't pronounced, so it's like "Gad-oh".

We told her Colony 9 got attacked in the same way as well.

We said we'd go to Colony 6 to find survivors as they didn't have any news on what happened to them.

Juju piped up and said he was coming too but Sharla corrected him. Reyn corrected him as well and Juju then said he'd go off to make dinner. Sharla kept saying to Reyn how much he reminded her of Gadolt.

I got a vision of Juju. In the vision he gets killed by the Masked Mechon and these black tentacle things coming out of the ground. I think it's like the part where I got stuck when I first played many years ago.

Suddenly we heard the buggy outside. Juju was driving off to Colony 6 himself! We rushed out but he was gone. Reyn asked if I had another vision and I said yes... and Juju was going to be killed unless we saved him.

Sharla insisted on coming with us, continuing to tell Reyn how much he was like Gadolt. He seemed overwhelmed with her going on about it!

We got a tutorial about buffs and debuffs. There's a general account about buff/debuff strategy you'd find in many RPGs, plus a list of some. Amusingly, there's a debuff called "bleed". That is certainly a realistic condition alright! Sharla also has a move called Cure Bullet, which grants debuff immunity and cures current debuffs, which sounds pretty good. Imagine recovering someone's health by shooting at them. Wow!

Another tutorial came up about her weapons and abilities in the form of text dialogue. She uses a rifle and her Talent Art is Cool Off. She says it's different to the rest of us because her talent gauge fills up when she uses it. When it maxes out, she can't use her Arts for a while and has to use the Cool Off move. She talks about Heal Bullet to heal minor injuries, Reyn talks about Shield Bullet that can be used at the start of battle and I suggest using the Cure Bullet when I get a vision about debuffs so we can change the future. Looking forward to seeing that strategy in action!

Another tutorial about crafting gems said the qualities will increase greatly with third party member support. I still haven't done any gem crafting yet...

Saturday 11 June 2022

51 xenoblade - meeting some colony 6 refugees

Dear Readers,

Reyn and I went into the cave after Sharla.

We met a woman named Olga, who said a coward in their colony fled for the Evac Ship. She came up as Gossipy chemist.

An old lady named Arda was lying down. She said she lost her medicine when she fled Colony 6. Poor lady was bedridden.

A Nopon named Pama said "Whopee!" in a voice clip and then old us in text he didn't want to go to sleep because he'd have the bad dream again. Yeesh. He also didn't trust anyone and told us to go away.

A man named Ewan said he wasn't in the mood to talk. He came up as Unpopular author.

A girl named Anna blurted about her crush and then said his name was a secret. She came up as Attention-loving princess. She's in good humour but she's deprived of a normal life unfortunately.

A lady named Matryona had a quest. She talked about Pama and how he lost his parents in the attack on Colony 6. She wanted to give him a book as he liked reading stories. She could draw and paint pictures but wanted help from Ewan with storytelling. We agreed to ask him for her. We got the achievement Fifty Fine Friends for registering 50 people on the Affinity Chart and she came up as Novice painter.

We talked to Ewan and he wasn't enthusiastic but he agreed to writing a story if we got him some Ponio Neck Meat. He said the liquid collected from that meat made the finest ink. I thought he wanted a snack or something haha.

A Nopon named Kiroki said he broke his friend's favourite toy. He came up as Devoted friend. He said the only one who could fix the toy was Grampypon Satata.

After this we found Juju and Sharla. Juju said there may still be survivors left on Colony 6, as they hadn't gone to check.

Friday 10 June 2022

237 zelda breath of the wild - hunting 11 electric lizalfos for their yellow tails

Dear Readers,

I wanted to upgrade my rubber gear, so I upgraded what I could and went hunting for Yellow Lizalfos tails to find some more. I wanted to find 11 to have a surplus after the next upgrade.

Thursday 9 June 2022

236 zelda breath of the wild - powering platforms and elevators in dako tah shrine

Dear Readers,

There was a little bird around Gerudo Town whose picture I was trying to snap for the Hyrule Compendium but it was proving difficult. I walked around and around the town trying to come across it again until it was nighttime. Then I spotted a shrine peaking out from the cliffs to the north. I placed a pin on it, warped to Sasa Kai Shrine near it, then glided southeast to discover Dako Tah Shrine! I decided to take on the "Electric Path" trial there.

Tuesday 7 June 2022

234 zelda breath of the wild - foraging for voltfruit between gerudo town and the southern oasis

Dear Readers,

I explored south of Gerudo Town and came across the Sand-Seal Races. There was a shrine pedestal and ball here too. I spoke with the bespectacled (goggled?) Gerudos that were here.

Monday 6 June 2022

233 zelda breath of the wild - hunting ice keese for wings

Dear Readers,

Time to go hunting for Ice Keese! I wanted to have over 15 Ice Keese Wings when I was done. I cooked up some spicy food, set the radar to Ice Keese and went hunting in the snowy Hebra Region.

Sunday 5 June 2022

232 zelda breath of the wild - tracking and hunting the dragon naydra for horn shards

Dear Readers,

The next upgrade for the Champion's Tunic required Shards of Naydra's Horn. I revised what I already knew about this dragon's flight path and set out to learn more.

Wednesday 1 June 2022

228 zelda breath of the wild - giving a major metal butt-kicking at the modest ke'nai shakah shrine test

Dear Readers,

I decided to take on the modest test of strength at Ke'nai Shakah Shrine. It wasn't too easy finding this place but there was still another challenge to face!