Friday 24 June 2022

64 xenoblade - delivering pama's picture book

Dear Readers,

We returned to Arda at the refugee camp and gave her the herb. Then we told her to keep a close eye on Pama and keep him away from the water. Arda heard about the book and called Matryona and Ewan lovebirds jokingly. She said not to tell them that but she knew them a long time and thought they'd make a lovely couple. How sweet! Maybe something nice will happen now that they have worked things out. Maybe it's a good thing that Ewan escaped with them after all.

Then we told Matryona about Arda getting better and being able to look after Pama. I noticed the Lake Drop quest seemed to disappear somehow? I'm not sure what happened. Must be one of those choose this or that things to happen. She then gave me the completed picture book to give to Pama. I gave it to him and he was overjoyed! He was gonna get Arda to read it to him.

We told Olga about what Ewan had done and she changed her opinion of him to something more understanding. Yay!

Pama disappeared. I went looking for him and he was outside with Arda, both in the pouring rain! She just got better! She'd want to be careful! They were both very happy at least.

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