Saturday 18 June 2022

58 xenoblade - bringing back meat and clothing for the refugees

Dear Readers,

We went back to the refugee camp with the spoils from quests.

Earnest had another quest for us! This time he told us of another area where the endless supply of ether was supposedly. It was in a cave on the edge of Raguel Lake, south east of the bridge. I confronted him about his previous falsehood and he said he wasn't lying, just wrong - but he was sure this time! We accepted the quest anyway. He said it was at water level so we might get a bit wet.

Satata had another quest for us. He said a monster moved into a lake where they fished. It was an Abnormal Brog near Raguel Lake. Sharla felt bad something like this happened while she was out questing with us. Satata told her not to worry about it as she had her reasons too. 

We chatted with Nikita, who had admiration for Satata for fixing his toy and inventing the ships that helped everyone evacuate.

We gave the Ponio Neck Meat to Ewan, which made him agree to write the book. He was getting happier and said his luck might be changing. Now we had to return to Matryona. We had to set the time to 9am after looking up her schedule in the affinity chart, but we caught up with her and she was delighted with the news. 

We caught up with Ewan again, who apologised for being distant before. He talked about how he was feeling really bad about hiding among evacuees during the attack so he could leave on the ship. Sharla told him not a single person in the camp hated him for the decision he took. He said hearing that made all the difference and he was feeling more positive and encouraged to get back to writing. Hooray! He then asked us to find sour gooseberries to make some paints up for Matryona, which will make the book look really nice. We agreed to find the 4 he wanted.

Anna asked us which of the two boys she had a crush on she should pick, Naughty Nikita or Innocent Kiroki. Nikita didn't sound naughty and Kiroki was a Nopon so I said Nikita. She didn't mind and said Kiroki would be her servant then. Hmm... I wonder if that was the best decision and if it affects anything?

I got the Spider's Web achievement for forming affinities in the chart 50 times!

We brought home the spoils, got more quests, which'll be for next time.

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