Thursday 23 June 2022

63 xenoblade - finishing many quests at raguel bridge

Dear Readers,

We made it to Raguel Bridge and came across Juju's crashed buggy. I placed my had near it and got a vision of him...

In the vision I saw Juju being attacked by Mechon tentacles snapping at him, then nothing else. I told Sharla and she wanted to know when it was happening. I said I wasn't sure but I didn't think we had much time.

I felt the urge to press ahead but I also wanted to finish some quest stuff. We went as far as the other side of the bridge. Both sides had warp points which was handy. Then we warped back to the refugee camp.

We told Satata we defeated that big Brog and he was so happy to be able to eat fish again that he was emotional!

There was also the bird necklace, which we found on the ledge above this area by the bridge. We had to go through Earnest's first cave in order to reach it.

Then, on the far side of the bridge, we found goal markers for quests! We found Earnest's second cave, which was hidden very well. It was yet another ordinary sized ether deposit though. Then, by the bridge were vines we could climb down the cliff safely until we reached a platform with the lake drop and then further on along this area was the medicinal herb! All the Pama related quests! Woo!

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