Monday 6 June 2022

233 zelda breath of the wild - hunting ice keese for wings

Dear Readers,

Time to go hunting for Ice Keese! I wanted to have over 15 Ice Keese Wings when I was done. I cooked up some spicy food, set the radar to Ice Keese and went hunting in the snowy Hebra Region.

I cooked up Spicy Simmered Fruit and Spicy Pepper Steak at the Snowfield Stable. For each recipe I had one food item and four Spicy Peppers to get a 10 minutes and 30 seconds cold resistance boost.

I detected some Ice Keese to the north in the Tabantha Snowfields, so I trudged up there. They were common enough! I also had some encounters with Stalkoblins and wolves though. I got on well enough.

#123 White-Maned Lynel

While trudging through these fields I spotted a shrine up north. I kept trudging and trudging through the snow until I heard a familiar unpleasant roar. It was another variety of Lynel who was in the way!

Luckily the field was big enough to steer clear of it! I went on to activate Sha Gehma Shrine. Woo!

I caught up with Danton at the Snowfield Stable as well. I equipped the Master Sword and showed it to him, as he was all interested in it. He was very happy to see it and implored me to never give up! That's nice of him :)

I continued hunting Ice Keese until my cold resistance wore off. I had to hunt for some Hot-Footed Frogs as well which were easy to find. I was now able to upgrade my Climber's Gear so that was nice.

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