Wednesday 8 June 2022

235 zelda breath of the wild - grabbing the key without getting crushed by the big metal crate in sha gehma shrine

Dear Readers,

I decided to take on the "Shift And Lock" trial at Sha Gehma Shrine.

First thing I saw on entering was a treasure chest with a big metal crate on top of it. This metal crate was on a sliding bar that went straight up. The monk was locked behind a door nearby, so I assumed this chest had the key in it. The only other thing down here was a spiral ramp that wrapped around the sliding bar.

The object of this place was to slide the metal crate up from the chest and get it stuck on the platforms above, then use Stasis on the platforms or the metal crate and grab the key from the chest before the crate fell down again. I didn't have to slide it all the way up there, but it was safer.

The other chest that was on the spiral ramp had a Royal Broadsword in it.

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