Thursday 9 June 2022

236 zelda breath of the wild - powering platforms and elevators in dako tah shrine

Dear Readers,

There was a little bird around Gerudo Town whose picture I was trying to snap for the Hyrule Compendium but it was proving difficult. I walked around and around the town trying to come across it again until it was nighttime. Then I spotted a shrine peaking out from the cliffs to the north. I placed a pin on it, warped to Sasa Kai Shrine near it, then glided southeast to discover Dako Tah Shrine! I decided to take on the "Electric Path" trial there.

Discovering this shrine also completed the "Eye Of The Sandstorm" shrine quest I was given at Kara Kara Bazaar. I'm glad I didn't have to go through an actual sandstorm to get here!

On entering there was a staircase right in front of me that lead all the way up to an inactive electric mechanism. It was out of reach when I got to the top but another corridor led straight to a Guardian Scout I. One swipe with my Guardian Sword+ and it was scrap metal :)

I continued and came across a moving platform that was powered by an electric block that was making power go through a metal bar towards an electric mechanism powering the platform. I crossed the chasm, grabbed the block with Magnesis, and held it against the metal bar so the platform was always being powered.

Then I placed the block next to the first electric mechanism I saw, and this rose the platform it was on to take me to a treasure chest.

#212 Moonlight Scimitar

This was inside the treasure chest. More Guardian Scout Is were on the other side of a cage and they were freaking out running around the place! Couldn't get at me though :) I was able to get at them by riding the platform higher and going into the same room they were in. A couple of more swipes and they were done. The chest in that room had an Ancient Core in it.

I brought the electric block with me through this room. For some weird reason, there were big metal panels in the floor. I had no idea what they were for other than to electrocute me if I left the electric block anywhere near them.

I continued onward and shifted a metal crate out of the way. Beyond here was a switch I could hit. This made the moving platform that was directly below to move up and down. I rode the platform all the way down to get to a chest that had 100 rupees in it.

#364 Radiant Shield

Very pretty Gerudo Captain shield in the last of the many treasure chests here. I went back up to the switch I hit and there was another platform above that that took me and my electric block up even further. At last I was now able to see the monk. I placed the block on a groove that made electricity surge through a metal bear and activated another platform. This platform had an unusual moving pattern but it was helpful to get around the big metal block that I had to shift with Magnesis. I also grabbed this shield from that last chest. I didn't notice the gap between the platform and the chest however and fell down! I had to climb back up here.

Between getting electrocuted and falling I lost quite a few hearts here! I eventually made it to the monk at last though.

I still need to photograph that little fricking bird just outside Gerudo Town!

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