Saturday 25 June 2022

65 xenoblade - big creature at daksha shrine scares us away

Dear Readers,

I caught up with Earnest and told him the truth about his second cave. He said we were too trusting but gave us something for our trouble.

He had yet another quest for us. There was a grave on the cliff north of Kasharpa Falls. He asked us if we knew whose it was. Sharla didn't know either. He said it was his friend's grave and asked us to put flowers on it. He was feeling guilty about lying to us but Sharla forgave him and said she could see something in his eyes. She was willing to believe in him. We agreed to the quest. He told us to be careful about Tirkins but didn't say why. It seemed like it could be how his friend passed away.

We got the Idle Chit-Chat achievement for having party members stepping into conversations 50 times. Nice little bonus.

We went out to look for this place. While exploring we picked a fight with the Violent Andante that was stomping around here. It was a big dinosaur beast that was satisfying to defeat.

Exploring further we found a path to some cool ruins called Daksha Shrine. We saw a glowy red item we didn't have a quest for yet and approached it, when suddenly this massive creature that was too strong for us crawled up out of the surrounding abyss! We ran away and decided to come back later.

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