Tuesday 28 June 2022

68 xenoblade - saving juju from the mechon m71

Dear Readers,

We went back to the upper area of the Bionis' Leg and headed for the story marker. We caught up with Juju! A very dramatic and action-filled cutscene played where Sharla ran ahead to help Juju and I got a vision of her demise.

Suddenly the Monado got another symbol and I wondered aloud if I could save her. A voice from somewhere said of course I could. A new weird power came from the Monado as I ran forward and got Sharla out of the way. I warned everyone about the tentacles coming out from the ground.

The scene continued with lots of fancy footwork from all of us as we attacked the tentacles and teamed up, a new blue light from the Monado surrounding us. I learned a new Art for speeding us up.

Battle begun with the Mechon M71. We just kept attacking and attacking until another scene played where it ran off and headed above.

When I played this years ago, I got stuck here in a big way. I wanted to see how far I could get by rushing. This time it wasn't much of a road block thankfully.

We ran up the spiral path to a platform where we had another showdown with the monster. We continued attacking and whittled it down to nothing without too much trouble.

Another dramatic scene played where Reyn jumped and grabbed Juju from one of the tentacles before the M71 exploded. Sharla rushed over, full of emotion. She slapped Juju before hugging him and sobbing. She was so happy he was safe.

Something didn't seem right to me though. This wasn't the exact monster from my vision before. It didn't have a metal face.

Just then, another Mechon appeared and it did have a Metal Face! It spoke as well! It called me Monado boy and wanted a piece of me. Another battle!

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