Tuesday 21 June 2022

61 xenoblade - distressing monado visions about pama

Dear Readers,

We went back out to the plains to find more of Ewan's gooseberries. The items respawned and after a while we found the remaining ones we needed.

We headed back to the camp and gave them to him. He made paint out of them and asked us to give it to Matryona as he wasn't able to face her right now.

Even though she was in the same area as him I took his letter and paint to her. She was really impressed and had a strong desire to work on the book with him.

I turned around and told him the news and he was delighted and encouraged to work on the book with her. Their relationship grew much stronger which was good.

Matryona then talked about the book. It was about a river spirit that grants a wish to a sad boy named Pama.

Suddenly I got a vision! It was of Pama going to a real river to look for the spirit and ending up drowning!

I told Matryona my concern and she agreed to edit her picture so Pama wouldn't get any silly ideas. She asked me to get a Lake Drop for editing and I agreed to it.

This was very interesting! The quest was framed in a way that Pama would end up drowning if I didn't get this item! It's located near Raguel Lake, the place I've been holding off on visiting to do earlier quests. I'm really feeling the need to go there now though!

Suddenly I got a vision of Arda lying on her side, wishing she could help Pama. The subplot thickens...

Ewan realised he could lift the spirits of the people through his writing and this motivated him. "Words will save us!" he said, which was nice.

I walked over to Arda and told her about the book. She was delighted and wished to be with Pama all the time so she could take care of him and keep him safe. She needed medicine to get back on her feet though. I agreed to find medicinal herb for her. She'll help keep Pama safe from drowning if I do this. Again, this herb could be found at Raguel Lake. Better get going!

I'm liking the Monado visions happening during these quests. This game is developing a sense of its own unique soul.

I had another chat with Pama who didn't have anything else to say. If only he knew!

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