Friday 10 June 2022

237 zelda breath of the wild - hunting 11 electric lizalfos for their yellow tails

Dear Readers,

I wanted to upgrade my rubber gear, so I upgraded what I could and went hunting for Yellow Lizalfos tails to find some more. I wanted to find 11 to have a surplus after the next upgrade.

I warped to the Gerudo Wasteland and started my search there. I never fought the Electric Lizalfos before so I wasn't sure what was in store for me. They weren't too tough though. Just took a bit longer to defeat than regular Lizalfos. I fought two around the Yarna Valley area.

Then I detected more at the lake that marked Gerudo Canyon. I was more skittish at taking these ones on! One of them even knocked a fairy out of me but fortunately this was also a Fairy hangout! That was pretty handy!

#339 Steel Lizal Bow

One of them was shooting electricity and arrows but not shock arrows. I got this bow from it.

I got another one with one sneakstrike blow! That was pretty nice :) it was with a Royal Broadsword with an attack of 36. Did the trick nicely!

I found my 86th Korok Seed by striking a hanging thing hanging from the inside of the dolmen-like structure at this lake. I got my 87th by pushing a big rock into a hole. It was too tough to push up any slope though so I had to use Stasis on it.

I glided down to another Electric Lizalfos and sneakstruck it too. I'm glad it wasn't able to recognise my shadow cast on the wall and ground!

Afterwards I glided down into Gerudo Desert. I found another Electric Lizalfos hanging out with his buddies, two Black Bokoblins and an Electric Chuchu. I felt a bit bad about spoiling their party but I had to have that tail! I went through many weapons here! Luckily there were still plenty of weapons on offer anyway.

I went further south and fought more of them with a boomerang while they were in hiding. I love bashing them while they're disoriented like this :) the wide open desert is soooo good for throwing boomerangs as well. Soooo good!

#034 Sand Sparrow

FINALLY! I took a picture of this freaking desert bird! It looked like it only came up in the viewfinder if it was hopping around. The rest of the time it just stayed half buried in the sand! Its entry said that it does this to avoid predators. I wasn't going to be one but I shot it with an arrow anyway for giving me so much trouble!

I then found a skull Lizalfos camp. There weren't any electric ones in there but there were tons of the other varieties! I found out when I alerted them! I warped away quickly!

Day came and it was too hot to go hunting, so I warped to Korok Forest to my free leafy bed and warped back when it was nighttime.

I warped to Gerudo Town and detected some Electric Lizalfos in the ruins to the north. This place was pretty interesting and I met Stalizalfos and Fire-Breath Lizalfos before I met any of the electric ones! The fire-breathing ones dropped Fire Arrows though so that was nice :)

The next Electric Lizalfos I fought had a sword and shield. A bit trickier. I was thinking of doing the flurry rush but of course it had the big electric radiation powers. When my spear was weak I threw it in its face so I could grab the sword it dropped and finish it off with that. Pah!

I had to warp away to heal and return to the desert again. The last Electric Lizalfos I hunted was to the southeast of Gerudo Tower. It had Coyotes for company but I managed to glide down and got a nice sneakstrike on it. Its tail dropped off the cliff though and I had to glide down even further to collect it. Here I got attacked by two Stalmoblins and two Stalizalfos! They were such a big group I couldn't break any of their skulls in time! I had to blow up all their skulls off their shoulders just so I could get a chance of defeating them all. Then I picked up my 11th and final Yellow Lizalfos Tail for this session!

I went back to Great Fairy Cotera and upgraded my rubber gear. After this I won't be able to upgrade anything any further unless I find any more Great Fairies or obtain more gear.

But yeah. This was fun! A lot more fun than shaving off dragon scales and horn shards.

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