Monday 27 June 2022

67 xenoblade - visiting the grave of earnest's friend

Dear Readers,

We warped back to the upper level of the Bionis' Leg to continue exploring. It was dark and stormy. The bridge was lit up nicely with lights on the sides. 

We continued north and found the place to be crawling with Tirkin. There was a story marker but we ignored it to find Earnest's friend's grave, past the waterfall. There was nothing behind the waterfall but further north we eventually found a marker at the northeastern most point of the area.

This was the grave. We laid the flowers and suddenly we were attacked by a big Arrogant Tirkin! It was LV19 and we were able to handle it. We defeated it and warped back to Earnest.

Earnest was delighted to hear what we had to tell him. He said it was finally over. He said someone lied to him and his friend about there being crystals there. They found nothing and were attacked by a Tirkin. His friend died to save him and this memory gave him nightmares. He hadn't been able to trust anyone since.

He then thanked us for all this stuff we did for him. He wasn't going to be dishonest anymore. Hooray!

He acknowledged he shouldn't be lying just because he was lied to as it would make him no different and thanked us again for making him realise it. He still didn't trust others but he trusted us.

We told Ewan about Earnest and he understood him more now. He was relieved.

Speaking of Ewan, he was developing feelings for Matryona! Woo!

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