Saturday 11 June 2022

51 xenoblade - meeting some colony 6 refugees

Dear Readers,

Reyn and I went into the cave after Sharla.

We met a woman named Olga, who said a coward in their colony fled for the Evac Ship. She came up as Gossipy chemist.

An old lady named Arda was lying down. She said she lost her medicine when she fled Colony 6. Poor lady was bedridden.

A Nopon named Pama said "Whopee!" in a voice clip and then old us in text he didn't want to go to sleep because he'd have the bad dream again. Yeesh. He also didn't trust anyone and told us to go away.

A man named Ewan said he wasn't in the mood to talk. He came up as Unpopular author.

A girl named Anna blurted about her crush and then said his name was a secret. She came up as Attention-loving princess. She's in good humour but she's deprived of a normal life unfortunately.

A lady named Matryona had a quest. She talked about Pama and how he lost his parents in the attack on Colony 6. She wanted to give him a book as he liked reading stories. She could draw and paint pictures but wanted help from Ewan with storytelling. We agreed to ask him for her. We got the achievement Fifty Fine Friends for registering 50 people on the Affinity Chart and she came up as Novice painter.

We talked to Ewan and he wasn't enthusiastic but he agreed to writing a story if we got him some Ponio Neck Meat. He said the liquid collected from that meat made the finest ink. I thought he wanted a snack or something haha.

A Nopon named Kiroki said he broke his friend's favourite toy. He came up as Devoted friend. He said the only one who could fix the toy was Grampypon Satata.

After this we found Juju and Sharla. Juju said there may still be survivors left on Colony 6, as they hadn't gone to check.

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