Thursday 30 June 2022

70 xenoblade - sharla's nightmare

Dear Readers,

After Metal Face kidnapped Juju and got away, an end of chapter save came up.

The next scene was a flashback with Sharla, Juju and Gadolt during the attack on Colony 6. A man named Otharon came along and ordered her to be in charge of the evacuation. She was emotional. Gadolt told her he'd be able to focus on the battle knowing she was safe. She handed him the rifle and they said their farewells. She swore to keep everyone safe until she could see Gadolt again.

Just then, Metal Face appeared! It said it would keep everyone real safe... in its belly! Sharla then woke up! This flashback was her bad dream. We were all back at the refugee camp. We wanted to go with her to Colony 6. We had our thing against the Mechon and she was the only one we knew who could also use ether.

We mingled with the refugees again before heading out. They didn't have much else to say.

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